
Friday, March 28, 2008

US invasion of Iraq was stupid, charges Fidel

US invasion of Iraq was stupid, charges Fidel
By Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Friday March 28, 2008 [03:00]

CUBA’s revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has charged that the US invasion of Iraq was stupid. Commenting on the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq by the United States of America which fell last Wednesday, Castro accused US President George W. Bush of keeping on milking the events of September 11 terror attacks in America to perpetuate wars.

"In truth, there can be no war without oil, or oil without war," Castro said. He said in the midst of the chaos created by the empire (US), wars became inseparable sidekicks.

"It's been five years since the beginning of the Iraqi war. Profound thinkers have estimated the amounts of persons who have been affected, and have calculated that this war's total cost amounts to trillions of dollars," Castro said. "Four thousand army soldiers have lost their lives; for every soldier that is killed thirty more are wounded due to the kind of war that is being waged. White phosphorous and cluster bombs are the feed that nurtures this war on a daily basis. Anything goes, except for living."

Castro said the fate of humankind, which contributed surplus value and blood were in the hands of President Bush.

He noted that Hans Blix, the Swedish who headed the UN team of inspectors to search for weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq - a pretext the President Bush administration used to invade Iraq, called the war a tragedy. Blix stated last Wednesday that, "the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a tragedy for Iraq, for the US, for the UN, for truth and human dignity".

"They could not succeed in eliminating WMDs because they did not exist," stated Blix. "Nor could they succeed in the declared aim to eliminate al-Qaeda operators because they were not in Iraq. They came later, attracted by the occupants."

And Castro said while everyone considered the invasion wrong, President Bush grabbed hold of any Osama Bin Laden declaration, either fictitious or real, which had no date as to when it was made nor was the world assured the voice was Osama's. He said the only thing was that the Washington administration would investigate.

"Nobody ever took so much advantage of such materials to shape the opinions of the citizens of the United States and of many other countries in the world that have similar cultures and beliefs, in order to justify the brutal and genocidal wars that are so needed by imperialism," observed the retired Cuban leader.

Castro also said President Bush behaved as though he was in heaven.
He said on Easter President Bush in a radio broadcast sounded as though he was speeding along the day of the Apocalypse and the Last Judgement.

"Bush might think that God will give him a prize for speeding along the day of the Apocalypse and the Last Judgment after which he will seat with him at His right, in the place of honour," said Castro. "Then perhaps he will abandon the odious gestures that accompany his speeches, so that he can dwell under the same roof as those souls of the human beings he exterminated with his war against terrorism, the great majority of them being small children, teenagers and young people, women and the elderly, all those who should never be held to blame."

In his Easter message, President Bush said during the holy week each year, millions of Americans paused to remember a sacrifice that transcended the grave and redeemed the world.
"Easter beckons us homeward," President Bush said.
"This is ... an occasion to reflect on the things that matter most in life: the love of family, the laughter of friends, and the peace that comes from being in the place you call home..."

President Bush said America was blessed with the world's greatest military made up of men and women who fulfilled their responsibilities.
"On Easter, we remember especially those who have given their lives for the cause of freedom," said

President Bush. These ... have lived out the words of the Gospel: 'Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends'...Each year, millions of Americans take time to feed the hungry and clothe the needy and care for the widow and the orphan...millions across the world remember the gift that took away death's sting and opened the door to eternal life..."

But Castro reminded the world of what the Old Testament spoke of archangels who were transformed into the enemies of God by their ambition and then sent to Hell.

"It is difficult to lose the idea that in Bush's head, there lurk the genes of some of those archangels," said Fidel Castro.

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