
Friday, March 28, 2008

We won't rig elections, assures Mugabe

We won't rig elections, assures Mugabe
By Amos Malupenga in Harare, Zimbabwe
Friday March 28, 2008 [03:00]

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has assured that his government does not intend to rig tomorrow's elections because it has never done that before. And President Mugabe said the suffering that Zimbabweans are currently enduring will soon be a thing of the past. Winding up his campaign rallies in Manicaland on Wednesday, President Mugabe said MDC leader Morgan Tsvangrai, his members and sympathisers have resorted to telling the world shameless and desperate lies that tomorrow's general elections would be rigged by the ruling ZANU PF.

He said Tsvangrai was well aware of the impending electoral thrashing so he was now trying to prepare the world to sympathise with him.
President Mugabe said no rigging would take place and that Zimbabwe did not know that word until MDC was born.

"Of course these puppets are using the language of their masters," President Mugabe said. "We didn't know the word 'rigging' before MDC. But these are lies, there is no rigging.

These are damn liars, they are devilish liars. Yes, we have to say it because they tell lies at number 10 Downing Street British Prime Minister's official residence, they tell lies in Washington. They are damn liars, devilish liars."

President Mugabe said Tsvangirai and his masters would want post-election violence to justify their lies but this would not happen. He said police would not allow in Zimbabwe the violence that characterised post-election Kenya.

He said those that would want to destabilise the country through violent means would be well taken care of by the law and that all the armed forces were ready to deal with violent characters.

President Mugabe urged MDC to accept defeat.
"If they lose, let them accept. We are ready to accept the results. After all, we have always been accepting results. When they win more, we accept so when they win less, they should accept," he said.

And President Mugabe, who is today scheduled to dissolve his Cabinet, admitted that Zimbabweans were currently going through a lot of hardships and suffering but promised that things would change after tomorrow's elections.

He said ZANU PF and the country in general would emerge stronger after elections.

"This is a passing phase," said President Mugabe.

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