
Monday, March 31, 2008

ZESN confirms isolated violence in Zim polls

ZESN confirms isolated violence in Zim polls
By Kingsley Kaswend in Harare
Monday March 31, 2008 [04:00]

OPPOSITION Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) secretary general Tendai Biti has claimed his party's victory in Saturday's elections although the counting of ballots is in progress. And the Zimbabwe Electoral Support Network (ZESN) has said it was concerned about some isolated incidents of violence and voter intimidation in Saturday's election, which could potentially swell to post-election violence.

Official results for the position of president are not expected until at least today but some local government, senatorial and parliamentary results started trickling in yesterday.

Biti told separate press briefings on Saturday night and yesterday that information they had collected from their agents countrywide, though premature, pointed to MDC winning the election.

"We have no doubt at all, no grain of doubt at all that we have won this election," Biti said. "Nothing short of victory by the people will be accepted."

Police last week warned that they would deal with a deadly blow any premature celebrations of victory based on information from unofficial sources.

And ZESN chairperson, Noel Katutwa, said although the elections were generally calm, some isolated incidents could lead to a potentially explosive situation.

"ZESN has received a disturbing report from Insiza North Constituency involving a shooting incident after an altercation between the opposition and ruling party supporters during an MDC Mutambara rally held on the eve of the elections.

The altercation resulted in the death of a passerby who was hit by an MDC vehicle which had been allegedly shot at by ZANU-PF supporters," he said. "ZESN also received another disturbing incident from Bulawayo that the home of ZANU-PF candidate for Emakhandeni-Entumbani was bombed in the early hours of this morning (Saturday)."

Katutwa said incidents of intimidation were recorded in Chegutu West Constituency at Lowood Farm Polling Station where a ZANU-PF polling agent was advising people on how to vote. "Similar reports were recorded in Mudzi Constituency at Nyemanyora Polling Station", he said.

He said ZESN also received reports which showed that a number of people were turned away from polling stations for reasons including wrong cards and wrong identification particulars.

"Inconsistencies in the voters' roll were also noted. For example, one couple previously registered under Mt Pleasant discovered that one of the spouse's name was moved to Harare West," said Katutwa.

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