
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Chipata-Mchinji railway works near completion

Chipata-Mchinji railway works near completion
By Joan Chirwa in Chipata
Wednesday April 02, 2008 [04:00]

CONSTRUCTION works on the Chipata-Mchinji railway line are nearing completion, with the government providing an additional K10 billion in this years’ budget towards the project. The railway line, which stalled over 25 years ago, will connect Zambia to the Nacara corridor in Mozambique through Malawi and is expected to boost trading patterns among the three neighbouring countries.

A survey conducted on site on Monday revealed that 16 kilometres of track has been laid, out of which nine kilometres was still in skeleton form.

Eastern Province minister Charles Shawa, said the government’s plan was to connect the Chipata-Mchinji railway line to the Tanzania-Zambia Railway (TAZARA) via Petauke district in the next few years.

“Government hopes to have this project completed before the end of this year,” said Shawa when officials from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Business Development Services (BDS) project paid a courtesy call on him on Monday.
“The Chipata-Mchinji railway line will boost the economic performance of Eastern province as business transactions between Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia will be enhanced.”

Due to inadequate rail system, transportation of bulk goods around the country is done on roads.

Shawa said the government had spent around K8 billion to rehabilitate the four main bridges that were washed away by heavy rains on the Great East Road.
“Government has also provided K15 billion for the rehabilitation of the stretch between Nyimba and Sinda. Another stretch that will be rehabilitated is between Mtenguleni and Mwami which will cost K30 billion. Both works will be done by Sable Contractors. We are also concerned with the state of the Chipata-Lundazi road and money will be provided soon in order to improve the road,” said Shawa.

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