
Saturday, April 05, 2008

(CNN) Zimbabwe opposition: Runoff risks violence

HARARE, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- The opposition candidate who contends he is the victor in Zimbabwe's presidential election says he is against a runoff with President Robert Mugabe, because he fears possible violence.

Zimbabwean war veteran sings denouncing lyrics about MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai in Harare.

"We went into this election without the need for a runoff. This is totally unacceptable," Morgan Tsvangirai told reporters in a conference call on Saturday. He previously had said he would be willing to participate in a second round of voting. "This country cannot afford a runoff. A runoff would traumatize and polarize the nation," Tsvangirai added. Mugabe's party has said those concerns are unfounded.

On Friday, Mugabe's party, Zanu-PF said he was prepared for a runoff, should the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission call for one. A runoff is required if neither candidate wins at least 51 percent of the vote.

Mugabe's party has said he is willing to enter a runoff, which would have to be held within 21 days of the commission releasing the results. What do you think about the situation in Zimbabwe?

The commission had until the end of Friday to post the results of the March 29 presidential race, but missed the deadline. Tsvangirai's party, the Movement for Democratic Change, or MDC, filed an application with the nation's Supreme Court, asking that it order the commission to release the figures.

A hearing scheduled for Saturday was delayed until Sunday because the commission said it wasn't ready with the necessary documents, and needed more time, opposition lawyer Alec Muchadehama said. The hearing is set for noon (1000 GMT) in Harare, the capital.

"We consented and we appreciated that they needed to file those papers, although we would be happier with the matter being heard as quickly as possible," said Muchadehama. He said the matter is being heard before Justice Tendai Uchena.

Tsvangirai asked Saturday why the commission could not count 2.5 million votes in a week.

He accused Mugabe of preparing to promote violence and intimidate voters, because he has stationed militias and war veterans across the country.

The delayed presidential election results have raised fears that Mugabe is working on ways to cling to power. A look at the candidates »

There were three other races in the election: House and Senate seats and local council members. The only results released so far are the House votes, which show Tsvangirai's party was victorious.

Mugabe's party has vowed to contest 16 seats in that race, contending there was cheating involved in those constituencies.

On Saturday, police briefly blocked journalists and lawyers representing MDC from entering the High Court. They later were allowed inside.

Executive Zanu-PF members have promised to respect the outcome of the election, said Bright Matonga, a party spokesman who is also the government's deputy information minister.

"We don't think there will be violence. There's no need for violence, and we are going to show the rest of the world that Zimbabwe can hold peaceful elections," Matonga said Thursday.

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Matonga attributed the delay in announcing results to the fact that four elections were held simultaneously, leaving the electoral commission with a huge task.

Asked by CNN when he would release the presidential results, the chairman of the electoral commission, George Chiweshe, said he was prevented from talking about it because of the pending court decision.

Zanu-PF officials said they will support Mugabe in a runoff, indicating that is the direction the party is taking. But some party members said there was an attempt to avoid a runoff because the party knows Mugabe would lose.

The opposition has asked the United Nations to intervene to avoid bloodshed ahead of a possible presidential runoff, a party spokesman told CNN.

With no presidential results, Zimbabweans were nervous, said Dzikamai Machingura, the national director of ZimRights, a human rights group.

Asked how the situation is affecting residents, he said, "Well, with regard to the election results ... I will tell you that, typically, people are driving to work. They get to work and they sit at their desks. They do no productive work because all their minds are elsewhere."

Another Zimbabwean said: "People are just anxious because they're wondering whether the results are actually, really going to come out for the presidential race. I think because it's taken such a long time, there's a lot of anxiety," he said.

There were more reports of violence Friday, and police continued to hold two Americans, including a New York Times journalist, Casey said. The Zimbabwean government has denied cracking down on journalists and the opposition. Watch as journalist describes her arrest »

Members of the Zimbabwe Peace Project said Friday that they had received reports that two homes had been burned in the Mudzi District of Mashonaland East Province, and they blamed the incidents on government retribution for those who backed opposition candidates. See photos from the country's elections »

Peace Project Executive Director Jestina Mukoko said the homes belonged to people who campaigned for an MDC candidate in the parliamentary election.

Once revered as the breadbasket of southern Africa with good education and healthcare, Zimbabwe now has one of the lowest life expectancies in the world, schooling is a luxury and it is difficult to get even basic food supplies.

Inflation has skyrocketed to more than 100,000 percent; food production and agricultural exports have dropped drastically. E-mail to a friend

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