
Friday, April 25, 2008

Corruption weakens governance, says Williams

Corruption weakens governance, says Williams
By Maluba Jere
Friday April 25, 2008 [04:00]

CORRUPTION stands as one of the biggest deterrents to economic growth and poverty reduction in Zambia, USAID mission director Melissa Williams has said. During the official launch of the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) website yesterday, Williams said corruption weakens governance, deters investment, erodes public confidence and values of citizens.

Williams called for concerted efforts in the fight against corruption.
"Given the damage it inflicts upon Zambia, fighting corruption must be broad and deep commitment by all of us," she said. "The government, the private sector and civil society must actively join the battle."

Williams said the website would enable the ACC and the public to share directly the results of investigations and prosecutions.
The website has been developed with support from USAID and the Millennium Development Challenge corporation through the Zambia Threshold Project.

And ACC deputy director general Rosewin Wandi said corruption was a vice that could not and must not go unchecked as there was so much at stake and that the country stood to lose much if the vice was not tackled jointly.

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