
Friday, April 11, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) Chimumbwa freed after paying debt

Chimumbwa freed after paying debt

A LUSAKA magistrate’s court has acquitted former Nchanga member of Parliament Charles Chimumbwa after a South Korean businessman he allegedly swindled told the court he has been given two vehicles to compensate for the US$35,000 in question.

Chimumbwa was due to start his defence yesterday before Lusaka Resident Magistrate Aridah Chulu when the complainant, Eung Soek Lee, made an application to withdraw the case because the accused had given him two Toyota Hilux vehicles to compensate for the money he obtained. He was charged with obtaining money by false pretenses.

In her ruling, Mrs Chulu informed Chimumbwa that the court was acquitting him following the application by Mr Eung.

It was alleged that between September 12 2005 and January 25 last year, with intent to deceive or defraud, he obtained US$35,000 from Mr Eung by falsely pretending that he had some copper cathodes for sale when in fact not.

Chimumbwa was found with a case to answer in February.
Chimumbwa informed the court he would call six witnesses, three from within and three others from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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