
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Govt considers alternative energy sources

Govt considers alternative energy sources
By Joan Chirwa
Saturday April 26, 2008 [04:00]

GOVERNMENT is seriously considering alternative sources of energy to enhance security of supply in the country, energy and water development permanent secretary Peter Mumba has said. And Mumba said the government would soon consider rehabilitating fuel storage facilities dotted across the country as the private sector was not keen to develop the facilities.

Appearing before a parliamentary committee on energy on Thursday, Mumba said the high coal deposits present in Maamba presented Zambia with a good opportunity to generate hundreds of mega watts of power using coal.

Mumba said Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investment Holdings (ZCCM-IH) has so far applied for consideration to develop a coal powered electricity plant in Maamba to produce around 300 mega watts of power to supplement Zesco’s generation capacity of around 1,600 mega watts.

“Energy mix is crucial for security of supply,” Mumba said. “Alternative sources of energy are being considered to enhance security of supply. Zambia has millions of tonnes of coal reserves which can be utilised to generate electricity. Coal powered electricity generation in Zambia can be one of the reliable sources of power.”

Israel is currently generating around 14,000 mega watts of power using imported coal, while countries like Zambia, with enormous coal deposits have not developed a single coal-powered electricity generation plant.

And Mumba said the government has been trying to involve the private sector in the operation of fuel storage facilities around the country.

“The idea is to rehabilitate the storage facilities for fuel not just here in Lusaka but everywhere else in the country. One of them is located on Mungwi Road in Lusaka and it has not been used for a very long time,” Mumba said.

“We tried to invite the private sector to participate in the running of these facilities but the response was not good so government has to move on. I will soon be going round to check these facilities and that will give the ministry an idea of how much is needed to bring the infrastructure back to their original state.”

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