
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

(HERALD) MDC-T does not have people’s interests at heart

MDC-T does not have people’s interests at heart

EDITOR — It never ceases to amaze me whether MDC-T really knows the level of suffering among the rank and file of the population in Zimbabwe. How could Tsvangirai call for a stayaway or whatever he wants to call it when he knows that the majority of the working population in our urban centres is employed in the informal sector?

Does he honestly think that people can stay away from their small businesses? For his own information, you don’t need to first of all consult Westminster in London to realise that the majority of these people have since realised that it does not make economic sense for them to stay away from their businesses where they are trying very hard to make a living.

Tsvangirai also knows that stayaways, strikes, final pushes have not worked in his desire to see him become the next president of this country.

I actually feel that apart from the lack of wisdom when they make such decisions, the MDC (Tsvangirai) leadership is also very selfish, and does not have the people’s interests at heart.

You would have thought that when Tsvangirai went on his meet-the-people tours in the high-density suburbs, he would have seen a thing or two to bring him down to mother earth, and start finding realistic solutions to the people’s plight.

And if I may ask, whatever happened to the "more" messages, when stayaways will further take away the little that the people have?

Pepukai Bwerazuva.

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