
Monday, April 21, 2008

(HERALD) Triangle to start producing ethanol

Triangle to start producing ethanol
By Martin Kadzere

TRIANGLE Limited will start producing ethanol for blending petrol within the next three weeks following the completion of its plant refurbishment in the Lowveld. "It will start in the next three weeks," Secretary for Energy and Power Development Mr Justice Mupamhanga said in an interview adding, "all modalities are now in place." This is a major project in the energy sector set to boost the production of fuels.

The Triangle plant has the capacity to produce 3,6 million litres of ethanol, made out of sugarcane by-product and will blend fossil fuel at the ratio of 1:10. The use of blended fuel ceased in Zimbabwe in 1992, as unblended fuel became cheaper. This idea was revisited three years ago in line with the Government’s import substitution and foreign currency-saving strategy.

An official with the National Oil Company of Zimbabwe said they had provided storage tanks at its depot in Msasa while other storage facilities would be set up in Feru- ka.

Some big oil companies had also agreed to build storage facilities in the short to medium term, the official added.

The Motor Traders Association president Mr Misheck Nyamupingidza said the association was in the process doing quality assessment to establish the vehicle models suitable for consuming blended petrol.

Economists described the programme as "positive" but stressed the need to start increasing cane production.

"It is a positive programme but sugarcane production has to be expanded to ensure its continuity," said a Harare based independent economist.

The country’s major cane producers, Hippo Valley Estates and Triangle Limited have already indicated intentions to boost production.

Blended petrol is used in countries such as the US, Brazil, Argentina and Malawi.

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