
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

(HERALD) Tsvangirai will never rule Zim

Tsvangirai will never rule Zim

EDITOR — I wish to remind fellow Zimbabweans that the liberation struggle was not a one-day wonder. It took many years and many lives were lost before we at last got our independence. What had to follow was to ensure that the majority black people are economically empowered. Land, a major reason for taking up arms to fight for liberation, had to be given back to its rightful owners — the black majority.

And when the Government embarked on the agrarian reform there were rigorous attempts to resist the programme, and then the MDC was born. The imperialists were furious and are still furious.

President Mugabe became the talk of the world and has been condemned for merely doing what is best for his people.

Tsvangirai globetrotted asking for sanctions and persuading the whole world to stop aid to Zimbabwe.

The economy was sabotaged, we have hit hard times, people are struggling to make ends meet, decent meals have disappeared from our tables and the future looks very uncertain.

Morgan Tsvangirai has been on cloud nine dreaming that the hardships will propel the electorate to turn to him as the Messiah.

We are not fools.

It pains us to hear Tsvangirai’s claims of having pioneered the land reform, when we know for certain that he was sponsored to reverse the programme.

We have also not forgotten a letter to Cde Kumbirai Kangai, the then Minister of Agriculture and Lands.

The letter came from Tsvangirai’s masters in 1997 — written by Clare Short — then foreign affairs minister in Blair’s government.

Short wrote in her letter that there was no way Britain was going to fund the redistribution of land, and she even went further to claim herself to be of Irish origin.

Finally to Tsvangirai, I say to you, you will never ever rule Zimbabwe.

Hamadziripi Bvopfo.


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