
Friday, April 04, 2008

(HERALD) Voting for Tsvangirai a betrayal

Voting for Tsvangirai a betrayal

EDITOR — I am shocked that some people actually voted for the power hungry Morgan Tsvangirai. The fact that he got so many votes as to force a runoff in the presidential election is an insult to our collective psyche as Zimbabweans. Voting for Tsvangirai and his MDC is voting to be removed from the lands of our forefathers that we have just been allocated by President Mugabe and the Government.

Voting for Tsvangirai is a clear betrayal of the sacrifice made by all who died to liberate us from colonial bondage since they had to leave their homes and families just to liberate us, many others lost their lives in the process or carry the wounds to this day.

If we let the stooge Tsvangirai return Zimbabwe to the tentacles of the white settlers, our ancestors will turn in their graves and our country will never know peace.

Zimbabwe must never be a colony again.

The land is the reason we took up arms to liberate ourselves, we will be utter fools if we watch Tsvangison return the land to our erstwhile colonisers.

To this end, I urge all Zimbabweans to come out in their millions to defend the revolution by voting for President Mugabe in the runoff.

If you vote for Tsvangirai you will be voting against everything that defines us as a people.

Tsvangirai promised to return land to white farmers on many occasions, let’s be guided accordingly.

As his former allies in the other MDC have told us countless times, Tsvangirai is an accident waiting to happen.

He is ruthless, over ambitious, daft and destructive.

I beg you fellow Zimbabweans let us vote for our only liberator Cde R. G. Mugabe.

Never Ever Mashura.


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