
Thursday, April 24, 2008

(HERALD) West spoiling for a big fight

West spoiling for a big fight

EDITOR — Since the March 29 harmonised elections, the West has been spoiling for a big fight and has made all efforts to create a crisis in Zimbabwe that they want to internationalise and justify an intervention that should see them topple President Mugabe. Zimbabwe is the last vestige of African resistance against subtle and open colonialism and this is the reason why the whole of Europe is mad about elections in Zimbabwe.

In President Mugabe, Europe sees Africa’s last fortress that should fall and give way to neo-colonialism but once President Mugabe is gone, Africa is finished. Zimbabweans would live to rue the day they will have voted MDC-T into power.

It is fact, not fiction that Cde Mugabe has managed to shrug off attempts by the United States and the greater part of Europe to takeover Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe should never be a colony again.

MDC, in its various forms, the front of President Mugabe’s detractors, has been propped up and hoisted into mainstream politics by the rabid western media through blatant lies, tailored to shape world opinion against Zimbabwe.

It is clear that the creation of Morgan Tsvangirai as a politician, was the West’s intention to reverse land reform in favour of the whites.

To make Tsvangirai gather the momentum, the West has spent a lot of money trying to bring him to power and has used sanctions to arm-twist Zimbabweans into voting against President Mugabe.

If MDC-T attains power, that will be the last the people of this country will expect to have their humanism respected.

In that case, Africans can kiss goodbye to humanism.

It is also in the interest of the West to launch a bloody conflict in Zimbabwe so that Nato’s responsibilities can be extended by Bush to cover Africa, because the United Nations Security Council has failed to convince Russia and China that there is a crisis in Zimbabwe.

All what America and Britain are trying to do is find an excuse to deploy foreign troops to Zimbabwe so that they can easily loot platinum, gold and other minerals and mine diamond.

Zimbabweans should think and guard against silly media products like the so-called The Zimbabwean, the rag that is printed in London and flown to Zimbabwe in the dead of night.

Imagine what I read in The Zimbabwean newspaper. Those were silly lies, lies that no sane person can write about.

The tract masquerading as a newspaper lies through one John Makumbe that in the 2002 Presidential election Tsvangirai won 87 percent of the vote against President Mugabe’s 13 percent.

This is an insult. Makumbe is even insulting his own conscience. Poor man. Makumbe even goes to the extent of comparing President Mugabe to Ian Smith. Of all the people, Smith! Calling Smith a saint and President Mugabe a devil. Makumbe has clearly lost his marbles. Why do people like Makumbe and Tsvangirai applaud the racist Rhodesia?

Wake up Zimbabwe. It is now or never!

Muchadura Zvaitika.

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