
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Irregularities in reports frustrating, says Milupi

Irregularities in reports frustrating, says Milupi
By Abigail Chaponda
Thursday April 10, 2008 [04:00]

PUBLIC Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson Charles Milupi yesterday said the process of submitting reports by provinces was frustrating because some of them had a lot of unanswered queries. And Milupi has noted that Western Province submitted the worst report because it could not explain the irregularities that were found in the Auditor General’s report.

In an interview after PAC concluded hearing reports from provinces, Milupi said people were not mindful that they were dealing with taxpayers’ money as reports indicated a lot of anomalies.

“People that presented the reports were not accurate. They did not give satisfactory answers to issues that were raised in the Auditor General’s report,” he said.

Milupi said that in future, provinces should ensure they prepared satisfactory reports to avoid the irregularities that were found in their reports.

He further said it was easier to deal with North Western Province’s report because it only had three queries which were thoroughly explained.

Milupi hoped that the good work, which North Western Province put in, would be an example for other provinces to emulate and make the work of PAC easier.

He however, said Western Province submitted the worst report out of all the provinces because they could not explain the irregularities that were found in the Auditor General’s report.

“Western Province presented the worst report as there were a lot of queries which they could not explain and that was frustrating,” said Milupi.

PAC concluded its sittings last week after hearing reports from various provinces and government ministries with regard to numerous queries that were raised in the 2006 Auditor General’s report.

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