
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Leaders facing corruption charges should not be entertained, says HH

Leaders facing corruption charges should not be entertained, says HH
By Lambwe Kachali
Wednesday April 02, 2008 [04:00]

LEADERS facing corruption charges should not be entertained, opposition UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has said. Commenting on President Levy Mwanawasa's statement that he would not withdraw former Republican president Frederick Chiluba's corruption cases that were currently going on in the courts of law, Hichilema said Zambia's moral fibre had been greatly eroded by a few people who were only interested in benefiting themselves.

Hichilema said Zambians should set a good precedent by ensuring that people facing corruption charges as well as those engaging in corrupt activities faced the law.

He said tolerating corrupt individuals would worsen the vice and discourage people that are currently fighting it.

Hichilema said it was extremely painful that ordinary citizens had been deprived of their basic necessities in the last decade the MMD had been in power.
He said the situation in schools and hospitals had become disastrous because money that was meant to improve those sectors was either misused or misappropriated by people who had no interest for the country.

"What I am saying is a general statement on how Zambians should deal and root out corruption. Corruption in Zambia has become a monster which is ready to swallow the country anytime," he said.
Hichilema said Zambians should seal all loopholes through which corruption was being perpetuated.

He said there was need to tighten the law and ensure that politicians entrusted with the responsibility to run the affairs of the country were made accountable all the time.
Hichilema urged the government to adequately fund institutions that investigate corruption in the country.

"I am specifically talking about the Task Force on Corruption among others. Such institutions should be well funded and used as tools of justice and fairness," he said.
Hichilema charged that currently the MMD government was using some institutions as tools of oppression, saying such moves undermined its fight against corruption.
And Hichilema said politicians occupying public offices should avail themselves for public scrutiny if the country is to control the levels of corruption.
He said that could only be achieved through enactment of better laws aimed at protecting national resources.

Hichilema said corruption had not spared President Mwanawasa's government and that the country had continued to lose a lot of money since MMD came into power.
He charged that Zambia was poor because the MMD government was running the country in a corrupt and crooked manner.

Hichilema said when UPND forms government in 2011; corruption would be fought in a prudent and professional manner.

"We need to continue mounting public pressure on those who had abused our money so that the money is recovered. As a party, which is ready and prepared to form government in 2011, we have said before that we are going to fight an upfront and vigorous battle against corruption. This vice has cost the lives of our people for a long time now," he said.
Hichilema called on politicians to exercise self-restraint from public resources and prioritise development as they govern the country.
He also called on Zambians not to entertain greedy and petty politicians whose main agenda of joining politics was to amass wealth.

"We need to be unambiguous in fighting corruption together with society. But on the other hand, this fight should not be used to victimise others. All that is needed is professionalism," said Hichilema.

On Monday, President Levy Mwanawasa said he would not withdraw Chiluba's corruption cases currently going on in the courts of law.
President Mwanawasa said it was unfortunate that some Zambians were calling for the withdrawal of former Republican president Chiluba's cases.

President Mwanawasa explained that Chiluba's alleged corruption cases were taken to court by the state prosecutors under the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

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