
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Leadership is about sacrifice, says KK

Leadership is about sacrifice, says KK
By Florence Bupe
Wednesday April 16, 2008 [04:00]

LEADERSHIP is about sacrifice for the greater good of society, Dr Kenneth Kaunda has said. Receiving the Award for Leadership for Africa under the auspices of the African Presidential Archives and Research Centre of Boston in South Africa on Monday, Dr Kaunda said leadership should be about patience, listening to the views of others and using those views for the good of society at large.

"My parents taught me Christian values, which I have cherished and greatly valued to date. I learnt that leadership was about service to the people, perseverance and commitment. Leadership is about understanding one's humble role in society," he said.
Dr Kaunda commended African leaders for sacrificing their lives for the liberation of the continent.

"I wish to tell you that the people I am going to mention were selfless leaders who sincerely believed that leadership was about sacrifice and that is why I viewed them as my heroes and friends... To some, they were terrorists and trouble makers, but to the oppressed majority, they were heroes, liberators and great leaders," he noted.
He mentioned some of the great leaders and freedom fighters who contributed to Africa's liberation as Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Ben Bella, Julius Kambarage Nyerere and Oliver Tambo, among others.

Dr Kaunda said these leaders were courageous and provided impeccable and exemplary leadership.

He called for continued efforts in ensuring that human rights were upheld across the continent.

"Indeed, the observance of human rights contributes to peace and harmony among the people of our one world. For peace contributes to harmony and justice... There can be no justice without peace anywhere in this world," he said.

Dr Kaunda said the quest for freedom calls for everyone's commitment.
"The quest for freedom is inherent in every human being. Freedom and liberty are fundamental human rights, which are a birthright. They are inviolable and therefore cannot be taken away by anyone or any force," said Dr Kaunda.

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