
Thursday, April 24, 2008


Appeal to President Mwanawasa
By Brighton Mutebuka
Tuesday April 22, 2008 [04:00]

I am a Zimbabwean lawyer based in the UK. I am deeply troubled by the current political crisis in my country, and the behaviour of South African President Thabo Mbeki who I feel greatly compromised President Mwanawasa and other SADC leaders’ capacity to make any meaningful resolution during the summit in Lusaka.

I am writing this letter to you because I am hoping that the esteemed President, who is the current Chairman of SADC can come across my letter, and feel moved to take a much tougher stance against Robert Mugabe's renegade regime.

As we speak, hundreds of people are being tortured, maimed, raped and killed simply for exercising their right to chose a leader of their choice, which Mugabe claims he fought for.

For a considerable time now, Mugabe has been peddling lies to the world, stating that the current problems in Zimbabwe, which President Mwanawasa has equated with a sinking Titanic, are as a result of a bilateral dispute with Britain when the sole problem has been Mugabe's poor governance and tyranny - oppressing his own people.

If SADC folds its arms, it will give credence to the view that African leaders are not capable of solving their own problems, and it will gravely compromise the credibility of Africa's democratic systems and their capacity to bring about peaceful change of leaders.

This is an opportunity President Mwanawasa should not miss.
I hope a better future awaits my country Zimbabwe.


As we speak, hundreds of people are being tortured, maimed, raped and killed simply for exercising their right to chose a leader of their choice, which Mugabe claims he fought for.

So 'we have to go in', to... create more torture, maiming, rape and killing, like in Iraq?

Remember that the great justficiation for colonialism has frequently been claims of misrule by the locals. The British invaded India to save it from chaos and despotism. The Americans invaded Iraq to save it from dictatorship and 'bring democracy'. But when looking at the cold hard facts, it is what it is, the illegal invasion of a sovereign country.

And Tendai Biti can belittle the concept of sovereignty all he wants to, but that doesn't change international law. Belittling national sovereignty is the hallmark of a criminal and despot in the making.

For a considerable time now, Mugabe has been peddling lies to the world, stating that the current problems in Zimbabwe, which President Mwanawasa has equated with a sinking Titanic, are as a result of a bilateral dispute with Britain when the sole problem has been Mugabe's poor governance and tyranny - oppressing his own people.

So sanctions are merely for show? The Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 doesn't exist and is a figment of the world's imagination? Oh wait, these aren't sanctions at all. I forgot.

The MDC is so transparent. All they have done is find a new way of making it into State House.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    You are seriously deluded and a Mugabe apologist. You and your ilk give Africa and Africans a bad name. Murder is murder, oppression is oppression whether committed by a blue, yellow, white or black person. Leaders derive their mandate to rule from the people, not from force. Everyone knows you are a CIO, wasting Zimbabwe's meagre resources trawling the internet, hopelessly attempting to win the war of ideas when you are a puppet of a system that believes in maintaining its rule by savage and brutal violence. Go on, squander the forex with a silly blog whilst people are starving back home. The regime that you make so much noise for is definitely on its way out. So you think you are safeguarding "the national interest and Zimbabwe's security" by looking for all anti - Mugabe letters in all publications? How pathetic. God bless your corrupted soul.
