
Monday, April 07, 2008

Mbulakulima warns against copper thefts

Mbulakulima warns against copper thefts
By Correspondent
Monday April 07, 2008 [04:00]

COPPERBELT minister Mwansa Mbulakulima has advised security personnel and employees of various mining companies in the province to be alert and desist from involving themselves in copper thefts. And Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) Resident Director Deb Bandyopadyay said KCM security personnel had many responsibilities in protecting copper and other company property from being stolen.

Mbulakulima, in a speech read for him by Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Jennipher Musonda at the pass out parade for KCM police officers at the Zambia Police Kamfinsa School of Order and Maintenance, said the government was concerned with the increasing number of copper thefts in the province.

He noted that employees of mining companies who were conniving with outsiders usually perpetrated the copper thefts.

Mbulakulima said the price of copper was now very high due to the high demand on the international market and that there were a lot of unscrupulous copper dealers who were enticing mostly security officers in trying to steal copper.

He said security personnel should always remember that they were entrusted to protect the wealth of Zambia on behalf of all Zambians and the mine owners.
Speaking earlier, Bandyopadyay said KCM had an ambitious plan to expand and therefore wanted to ensure it had a strong security force to curb the stealing of copper from the mine.

He said KCM would continue to grow and expand in Zambia and effectively contribute to job creation and economic development.
He said KCM had come to stay in Zambia, hence the decision to train its security personnel so as to protect its copper and other company property.

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