
Sunday, April 06, 2008

MDC win will open Zim to invasion, charge war vets

MDC win will open Zim to invasion, charge war vets
By Kingsley Kaswende in Harare
Sunday April 06, 2008 [04:01]

ZIMBABWE'S war veterans have said a win by Morgan Tsvangirai in the election will be a way of re-opening the country for invasion by colonialists. The chairman of the war veterans association, Jabulani Sibanda, said MDC claims of a win were a provocation to war veterans.

"We are seeing the West pressing us to announce the results and we are slowly seeing an 1890 situation emerging again.

“The election was between our contestants but as it is now they are a way to re-open the invasion of our people. A good number of white people have been seen on the farms and in villages proclaiming victory of their candidate Morgan Tsvangirai. Under the current circumstances, the spirit of our people is being provoked," he said.

Sibanda said MDC was provoking the war veterans, who will be forced to defend the sovereignty of the country by any means possible.

"They (MDC) are claiming that they won by 50.3 per cent, a claim that is not constitutional. Actually it is a provocation especially to us as war veterans. We must not be pushed to think that there is an infringement with the rights of our people. To those farmers who have been seen on farms, it is not an invasion of that farm or village, it is an invasion to our country," he said. "As any country we will defend our sovereignty. As a nation that has an obligation to its people, we will not sit back and watch the invasion. That invasion must stop or it will be stopped immediately."

Sibanda said the elections were carried out under difficult circumstances of sanctions employed as a weapon by imperialist countries to shift the minds of the people from continuing the struggle.

He said the sanctions forced people to vote the way they did.
"I can't really say they elections were free if people were pushed to act in a manner they would not if they were not there," said Sibanda.

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