
Saturday, April 12, 2008

NCC bemoans remarks hindering constitution-making process

NCC bemoans remarks hindering constitution-making process
By Mwala Kalaluka
Saturday April 12, 2008 [04:00]

NATIONAL Constitution Conference (NCC) spokesperson Mwangala Zaloumis has said negative sentiments from certain people are making the formulation of the new constitution through the NCC process difficult. Featuring on a special programme on Mongu’s Oblate Radio Liseli yesterday, Zaloumis said fears expressed by some politicians that the NCC was formulated to frustrate their political ambitions were unfounded.

Zaloumis said it was saddening that Africans had operated on a system of pulling each other down and that it was referred to as the “Dark Continent” due the failure by its people to conclude constitution-making processes.

“Certain political comments are one of the difficulties we are having,” Zaloumis said in Silozi. “The other difficulty is that some people think that we are getting a lot of money; we do not get a lot of money.”

She said the formulation of the country’s new constitution would be done in line with the advise that President Levy Mwanawasa gave to the delegates of the NCC at its inception that their work was a solemn one and as such they should undertake it in a patriotic and objective manner.

Zaloumis said one of the points of emphasis that would characterise the next sitting of the NCC, which would resume on April 22, would be the schooling of the delegates in the processes of compiling a constitution that would be publicly appreciated.

She said the public could not appreciate the next constitution if the delegates were not schooled in the proper formulation of the document.
A caller identified only as Sitwala said African leaders were notorious for formulating laws that they rarely implemented.

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