
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

NEC member accuses levy of open tribalism

NEC member accuses levy of open tribalism
By Patson Chilemba
Wednesday April 02, 2008 [04:00]

PRESIDENT Mwanawasa is practising tribalism openly, an MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) member Christine Moonga charged yesterday. Moonga, in a statement released on Monday, expressed disappointment over the manner in which finance deputy minister Jonas Shakafuswa's statements at Parliament were being handled.

"This is not the first time Hon Shaka has insulted. I am on record as having written a letter to His Excellency Dr P. Mwanawasa SC over Shakas’ insults but this seems to have fallen on a deaf ear," she stated.

Moonga stated that there was nothing to investigate about Shakafuswa's insults because the truth was plain and clear as evidenced by his wife and son's apologies on his behalf. She stated that Shakafuswa himself agreed that he insulted Chikankata UPND member of parliament Munji Habeenzu.

Moonga wondered why the nation was wasting time to probe a well known issue simply because Shakafuswa is President Mwanawasa's nephew. She stated that it was sad that the party had remained quiet on Shakafuswa's insults which had brought the name of the party into ridicule.

"Surely, Parliament should now probe insults instead of real issues. I want to give an example of former Ambassador to Libya, Amb. Mbita Chitala. He was fired unceremoniously, without probing on an issue that I regard was very personal and important. Now Parliament should probe an issue, which is straightforward. Shaka has insulted, period," Moonga stated. "This is the same man who has insulted Provincial Chairmen even within State House grounds, former Heads of State, and he has been tolerated, simply because he is the President's nephew."

Moonga stated that a lot of things were wrong in the MMD but that people were afraid to comment for fear of losing their jobs.

"Even people so close to him can't cough. This party is in the state it is all because of the kind of leadership that we have. The President should be the last person to comment on tribalism because he has managed to practice it well and openly," she stated.

Moonga stated that people do not hate the MMD but its leadership.
"MPs members of parliament in Lusaka lost because the person they wanted to fix was the President," she stated.

"The President should not ask other people to do introspection. He must be the first one to do introspection, and bring unity to the MMD as a party and the country at large which is experiencing so much division and hatred."

Moonga wondered why President Mwanawasa had failed to act on Shakafuswa when he single-handedly dissolved a party organ in Eastern Province.
"This makes me agree with The Post Editorial comment No. 4183 dated 31st March 2008, that Political Parties are run like tuntembas and MMD is not exceptional," Moonga stated.

And in her earlier letter to President Mwanawasa dated October 1, 2007, Moonga expressed displeasure with the use of some unrespectful words like 'stupid', 'foolish', 'demagogue' and 'minions' in newspapers.
Moonga also cited Shakafuswa's previous remarks on some national leaders and the party.

"Mr President allow me to make special reference to Hon. Shakafuswa Post Newspaper No. 3990 dated 20th September, 2007 and I quote 'General Miyanda should shut up and stop being stupid' and he went on to say 'General Miyanda, Sata, Kaunda and Chiluba are wrong people to speak on the Constitution, they are a bunch of empty tins'," she quoted.

"Hon Shakafuswa is also on record to have denounced the party, stating that it is dead and that most provincial chairmen are of low calibre. This is the man who declared wanting to assume the position of deputy national secretary. With this kind of language can he build the image of the party?"

Moonga stated that she believed former presidents, eminent and elderly persons deserved respect in society.

She stated that sooner or later President Mwanawasa would be called a former head of state and that it would be sad to hear disrespectful words used against him.

"I believe each member must exercise self-discipline, respect authority, respect eminent and elderly persons in our society even if they hold different views, which we may disagree," Moonga stated.

She stated that this was the hallmark of political maturity, which seems to be making dishonourable exit from society. Moonga stated that the former leaders could have made mistakes, but that no one does all things right or wrong.

"So how careful are we with words? What can we do to make sure that we don't do and say things that we will regret later and bring suffering upon ourselves and others? How open are we to good advice even when it comes from unexpected sources?" she asked. Moonga stated that she was one person who had been insulted before by lower members of the party but that she never rushed to the press to say there was no respect in the party.
She stated that she complained through the party structures and appropriate action was taken and two district women leaders have since been suspended as there is no sacred person in the party.

Moonga stated that politics was about dialogue and persuasion.
"We cannot change what the former leaders did and keep on mourning about it. But we can shape and change the future by doing the right things. Not only looking where they fell, but looking where they slipped, so we do not slip too," stated Moonga.
On Monday during the swearing in of Deputy Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima and Puisne Judge Albert Mark Wood, President Mwanawasa said he would not take any action against Shakafuswa until Parliament concludes its investigation.

The President said much as he did not agree with what Shakafuswa said at Parliament building, he would not succumb to people's demands and pressure.
President Mwanawasa said Shakafuswa was appointed minister not because he was his nephew but on merit.

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