Sunday, April 13, 2008

Partial SADC Communique

I think this is the relevant bit:

12. The Extra-ordinary Summit noted and appreciated the brief by the delegation of the Government of Zimbabwe on the elections held in Zimbabwe. The Government of Zimbabwe indicated that the elections were held in a free and peaceful environment.

The Government expressed concerns at instances of inaccuracy of some figures relating to the House of Assembly, Senate and Presidential elections.

Member States, with the exception of Zimbabwe, held informal consultations with Presidential candidates, Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and independent candidate, Dr. Simba Makoni. Both, opposition leaders confirmed that the elections were held in a free, fair and peaceful environment.

Whilst they do not have a problem with the election results of the Senatorial, Parliamentary and Local Authority elections, they expressed concerns on the delay in announcing the results as well as lack of their participation in the verification process of the Presidential results currently being conducted by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

COMMENT - So to sum it up, the MDC respect the elections as having been free and fair, and stand by the results. Their only issue is with the release of the presidential results.

1) I think the individuals who condemned the elections as being rigged months before they were held owe the country of Zimbabwe a big apology.

2) What a strange dictatorship, which holds free and fair elections, in which the opposition party can win the majority of the seats in government. For all the western media individuals who have called Zimbabwe 'a dictatorship' too, a big apology is due to the country of Zimbabwe.

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