Sunday, April 27, 2008

Police in Zimbabwe nab 215 MDC supporters

Police in Zimbabwe nab 215 MDC supporters
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Sunday April 27, 2008 [04:00]

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has formally arrested 215 opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Tsvangirai supporters from its Friday operation, the ZRP has confirmed. The police raided the MDC Tsvangirai faction’s headquarters based at Harare’s Harvest House where they fished out 215 people whom they have accused of being behind various acts of political violence in the country. In an interview yesterday, police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena confirmed the raid at the MDC Tsvangirai’s headquarters in Harare.

“Yes, we raided the place and we were looking for people who have committed various crimes around the country and have now decided to seek refuge there (MDC-Tsvangirai faction headquarters),” Assistant Commissioner Bvudzijena said. “Some are staying there and most of them are from outside Harare.

They are hiding there after committing crimes elsewhere. So those are the people we where looking for.”

Assistant Commissioner Bvudzijena said the police was hoping to clear the cases soon.
He said Tsvangirai supporters’s who were picked up in the raid would be screened against participation in politically motivated violent activities around the country.

Confirming the raid, MDCTsvangirai faction’s spokesman Nelson Chamisa said most of the people arrested in the police raid where victims of the post-election violence campaign.

Chamisa, who is also MDC Tsvangirai Kuwadzana member of parliament said some of the arrested people had come to the party headquarters seeking medical assistance following the injuries they sustained in the on-going post-election violence campaign.

He said the police, who arrested some party members of staff also went away with equipment from the party headquarters.

And the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) also raided offices of an independent election observer team, the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) in Harare.

According to the state-controlled Herald newspaper, the police were seeking evidence indicating that Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) officials were paid through ZESN to corruptly alter the outcome of the March 29, 2008 harmonised presidential, parliamentary and council elections.

Meanwhile, there is a heavy presence of armed police officers that is constantly seen around Harare Central Business District (CBD).

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