
Monday, April 21, 2008

Political parties are a bedrock of a functioning democracy - Chipeta

Political parties are a bedrock of a functioning democracy - Chipeta
By Mutale Kapekele in Livingstone
Monday April 21, 2008 [04:00]

POLITICAL parties are a bedrock of a functioning democracy, Zambia Centre for Inter-party Dialogue (ZCID) board member Clementine Chipeta has said. Addressing the ZCID southern regional platform on the constitution making process in Livingstone, Chipeta said political parties were key in any democracy.

"While we appreciate competitive relationship as political parties, we also appreciate that we have a higher calling when it comes to matters of national importance such as the constitution making process," she said.

Chipeta said contemporary political science asserts that there can never be democracy without political parties.

She said political parties provided a framework for citizens' participation in governance, in making choices among alternative programmes and above all leadership selection.

Chipeta said political parties should provide leadership which transcended affiliation and sectoral interest and a leadership based on true conviction to stand as one to serve.

"It's that conviction which has made us aside our differences and gather our sons and daughters of this great nation at the NCC National Constitutional Conference," she said.

Chipeta said ZCID would ensure that the constitution was as inclusive as possible and the resultant document would be a true reflection of the wishes of the Zambian people.

And Siavonga UPND member of parliament, Douglas Syakalima urged Zambians not to take peace for granted.

"The fact that we are able to talk to each other means we are able to dialogue when we have contentious issues," he said.

Syakalima was reacting to a question from a participant who condemned the NCC.

He said Zambians should not have a defeatist attitude but rather they should encourage dialogue. Syakalima said the NCC was one such medium for dialogue.

"Other tribes in African countries can't talk to each other. We are lucky in Zambia that we are able to talk and we should not take for granted the situation because tables can turn," Syakalima said.

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