
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Shikapwasha urges easier travel in Comesa region

Shikapwasha urges easier travel in Comesa region
By Maluba Jere
Saturday April 05, 2008 [04:00]

HOME affairs minister lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha has urged Comesa member countries to consider introducing a simple travel document to enable people travel more easily as is the case in the western world. Speaking when he officially opened the third meeting of ministers of home affairs of the Comesa region yesterday, Lt Gen Shikapwasha said the move would go a long way in harmonising immigration practices.

“As we seek to deepen the integration of our region, we should take the opportunity to learn from the experiences of the other regional integration groupings,” he said. “It is a well known fact that one of the key successes of the European Union was the removal of all barriers to the movement of persons and labour in the region. The success of that programme creates a sense of community belonging.”

Lt Gen Shikapwasha also said he was aware that considerable progress had already been made by Comesa in the free movement of goods. He said the Free Trade Area was now covering 14 member states.

He said removing restrictions on the movement of people would enhance cross-border investment.

He noted that once restrictions to the movement of genuine travellers were removed, people would recognise that they were in the same economic zone.

“If a businessman is interested in going to country X but is told that he needs $50 or more, he will reconsider travelling to that country,” he said. “He or she would rather go to a country which is not in Comesa thereby defeating the reason why we are trying to integrate the region.”

Lt Gen Shikapwasha further said cooperation in migration matters would go a long way in facilitating the growth of the tourism sector.

“We are aware that managing migration well goes a long way in enhancing tourism. The tourism sector is currently one of the fastest growing areas,” he said.
And speaking at the same function, Comesa secretary general Erastus Mwencha said the FTA membership and value had expanded.

He said in terms of value, the FTA started off with $1 billion but currently had $25 billion while the membership had risen to 14 from the initial 2, with two others intending to join.

Mwencha also said it was important for member countries to sign the protocol in the free movement of goods and people.

“In signing the protocol we are aware of the sensitivity but believe that the protocol has provided mechanisms not to endanger the national security and minimise risks,” he said.

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