
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

(TIMES) Zesco imports poles

Zesco imports poles
By Times Reporter

ZESCO has imported poles from Zimbabwe at a cost of US$5.6 million to replace the old ones, which are wearing out. The company will also import about 700 transformers from South Africa to assist meet the growing demand. Zesco marketing and public relations senior manager, Monica Chisela, said in Lusaka yesterday that the company had ordered 4,500 poles, which would be used in new projects, and also replace the damaged ones.

Mrs Chisela said the company had imported the poles following the shortage of the commodity locally.

She, however, indicated that the decision to import did not mean that the local product was of poor quality, but that the company had a backlog of work resulting from lack of poles.

She said company would soon be calling for another tender of poles to ensure that the projects did not stall and also ensure continuity.

And a check at the power utility company yesterday found Zesco employees offloading poles from six trucks.

On the importation of transformers, Mrs Chisela said the consignment would soon be arriving in the country and pledged its quality services to customers.

She said the transformers would be used in the new projects while others would be used to replace damaged or vandalised ones.

The company would only be able to provide quality service if the public assisted in curbing vandalism of electricity installation.

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