
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Vora urges measures to reduce waste in timber processing

Vora urges measures to reduce waste in timber processing
By Kabanda Chulu
Wednesday April 02, 2008 [04:00]

FALLSWAY Timbers managing director Shyam Vora has said there is need to develop mechanisms that can reduce waste in timber milling and processing.

During the launch of machinery worth K1.2 billion (US $ 320,000) that would turn sawdust into bio-coal (briquettes) products to be used as an alternative source of heating energy, Vora said there had been too much waste in the company’s processing and production lines that must be avoided.

“In sawmilling you have a 40 per cent recovery while 60 per cent is waste in form of off-cuts, sawdust and substandard products hence the need to put up mechanisms to use up the waste,” Vora said. “And it is for this reason that we are introducing bio-coal or briquettes, which are alternative sources of heating energy and this project will consume waste and increase recovery from 40 per cent to about 90 per cent and the total cost of the machinery is US$ 320,000.”

He explained that the bio-coal products could be applied as an alternative source of heating energy for charcoal and consequently reduced on environmental degradation.

“There has been too much waste in our production and we want to preserve and add value to this waste hence introducing the bio-coal that will be used as an alternative heating energy to charcoal and the bio-coal products will have less pollution on the environment,” said Vora.

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