
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Aka calls for corruption-free ACC, police

Aka calls for corruption-free ACC, police
By Abigail Chaponda
Thursday May 22, 2008 [04:00]

THE police service and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) must ensure that their own houses are clean from corruption before they can clean corruption in the nation, Commissioner Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika has said. Speaking at the official opening of the workshop for senior officers of the Zambia Police Service on the integrity initiative, Mbikusita-Lewanika said the police and ACC were the nation’s principal hands for cleaning up Zambia from corruption.

“Cleaning is best done by clean hands. Therefore, the police service and ACC must ensure that their own houses are clean from corruption and that is when they can fight corruption,” he said.

He said corruption was a tough enemy, which left law enforcement officers and citizens standing up against corruption risking being unpopular and even job discrimination.

Mbikusita-Lewanika urged the ACC and police to work together if they wanted to rid corruption out of the country.

“Before ACC, the police were single-handed at the front of fighting corruption. Now we have to work together because ACC was not established to remove the police from fighting against corruption, but to add more force to the policing of corruption,” said Mbikusita-Lewanika.

He said the police service should continue being a critical and integral part of the forces fighting corruption.

He said the war against corruption could only be won by officers, citizens and leaders with credibility and integrity.

“I don’t like corruption. In 1992 I resigned from a ministerial position rather than remain silent over the rising tide of corruption,” he said.

And home affairs minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha in a speech read for him by his deputy Misheck Bonshe said corruption was prevalent in virtually all public service institutions.

Meanwhile, Inspector General of Police Ephraim Mateyo called on the public to desist from enticing the police with bribes.

“We the police are the targets of corruption and I urge you officers to try by all means to run away from corruption, no matter how much people entice you,” he said.

He urged all the commanding officers at the workshop to preach about corruption when they return to their stations.

“Make it a daily briefing - to talk about corruption - and warn all officers against its dangers. We want to maintain the good image of the police,” he said.

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