
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Bwalya urges promotion of honey products

Bwalya urges promotion of honey products
By Joan Chirwa
Thursday May 01, 2008 [04:00]

HONEY products need strong promotional plans in order to gain domestic and regional market recognition in the highly competitive global market, chief economist in the Ministry of Commerce Lillian Bwalya has said. Launching the ZHC Quality Assurance Mark (QAM) for honey products in Zambia, Bwalya said adhering to product quality guarantee would increase Zambia’s chances of penetrating regional markets for honey.

“I wish to emphasise the fact that we are now living in a highly competitive global market. In this regard, a guarantee of product quality should be adhered to,” Bwalya said.

“As you may be aware, honey packers are improving packaging and products standards that, among others, increase domestic as well as regional market sales at higher prices.”
Bwalya said improved marketability of Zambian produced honey should increase incomes of beekeepers in the country.

“The Quality Assurance Mark will of course enrich the processors by raising their required incomes,” Bwalya said.

“We expect that the improved marketability of Zambian honey with the ZHC Quality Assurance Mark will also enable the honey processors to pay more for the quality honey produced by the beekeepers in this country. Government has since taken deliberate steps to promote export trade in general and composition of non-traditional exports (NTEs).”

The ZHC early this year entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Zambia Bureau of Standards in an effort to highlight issues of transparency over the inspection of the processing plants for honey processors and packers. This will be done in accordance with the agreed standard terms as highlighted in the MoU between the two institutions.

“I wish to mention to you, therefore, that there is need for the beekeepers to adopt best field practices that will provide quality honey of marketable standards for the domestic as well as the regional markets. When value addition is made to the products, jobs will also be created, hence contributing to wealth of our economy,” said Bwalya.

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