
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dr Kapoor urges alternative power generating ways

Dr Kapoor urges alternative power generating ways
By Fridah Zinyama
Wednesday May 21, 2008 [04:00]

WORLD Bank country manager Dr Kapil Kapoor has said the energy shortage currently being experienced is not peculiar to Zambia alone. In an interview, Dr. Kapoor said there are many ways in which Zambia could deal with the energy problems it is experiencing. "The need to diverse the sector is becoming inevitable even as the country's economy continues to grow," he said.

Dr Kapoor said even countries like India, which are considered as developing economies, are experiencing power shortages of up to three to four hours a day.
He said there was, therefore, urgent need to find alternative ways of generating power in the country.

"Solar, windmill and renewable energy should be considered as ways in which the country can generate energy," he said.

Dr Kapoor said Zambians also need to cooperate with the government and the power utility firm by efficiently using the available power in the country.
He added that even as the country's economy was growing, long-term measures should be put in place to secure the future.

"I believe that Zambia can grow its economy in the order of seven to eight per cent, all things being equal," he said.

Dr Kapoor added that the World Bank would meet this week in order to come up with ways in which it could help Zambia to develop its much needed infrastructure.
"We want to help Zambia catch up on infrastructure development," said Dr Kapoor. "We are anxious to help Zambia develop economically and even become the bread basket of the region."

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