Sunday, May 18, 2008

Extend Task Force scope of operations, proposes TIZ

Extend Task Force scope of operations, proposes TIZ
By Kelvin Tembo
Sunday May 18, 2008 [04:00]

THE scope of operations of the Task Force on Corruption should be extended, Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) president Reuben Lifuka has said. In a statement, Lifuka said the mandate of the Task Force should not only be extended in terms of the timeframe but in the scope of operations as well. Lifuka stated that there had been concerns that the scope of the Task Force was limited to the ten years of former president Frederick Chiluba’s tenure when the Auditor General's report and other studies continued to point glaring corruption in the public service even under the current administration.

"This limited scope of operations will continue to hurt the work of the Task Force. We would like to see it extended to investigate all cases of economic plunder and grand corruption regardless of the era when the cases were committed," he stated.

Lifuka stated that the Task Force had suffered in its reputation because most stakeholders and the public considered it to be selective in its approach and merely a vehicle to persecute political opponents of the ruling party.

He stated that is the perception needed to be done away with by providing latitude to the Task Force to carry out its work in a professional manner without politically defined boundaries.
Lifuka stated that the government needed to articulate a clear vision and strategy for combating corruption in the country.

"This would provide an anchor for the various government and law enforcement agencies involved in the fight against corruption," Lifuka stated.

He also stated that the government should come up with short and long term plans of building institutional, technical and financial capacities of the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC), Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), the police and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) office to enable them play their role effectively.

Lifuka maintained that the Task Force should be transformed into a permanent institution with a mandate to investigate and prosecute economic and financial crimes and other cases of serious fraud.
"But what we await for from the government is a clear action plan which highlights how the Task Force fits into the bigger picture of making Zambia corruption-free," stated Lifuka.

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