
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Extension of Task Force's mandate a challenge - Nkole

Extension of Task Force's mandate a challenge - Nkole
By Mwila Chansa
Tuesday May 20, 2008 [04:00]

TASK FORCE chairperson Max Nkole has stated that the indefinite extension of the entity’s mandate marks a challenge for it to perform better as more significant results are expected from it. And Nkole has stated that the extension would enable the entity propose more effective operational structures, introduce operational guidelines, create morale and confidence in the minds of investigators and other staff.

Nkole explained that there was growing confidence in the Task Force’s investigative and prosecutorial capabilities.

“To the management of Task Force, the extension means the performance of the entity has exceeded expectation,” he stated.

He observed that strategies that management had put in place were bearing fruit and that for the first time, Zambians were able to know exactly how their leaders and people in authority abused their power for personal gain.

He cited deterrence, the ongoing asset recovery, successful prosecutions and civil litigations that had been registered as some of the factors that justified the indefinite extension of the Task Force mandate.

Nkole also stated the Task Force had significantly contributed to the growing body of legal jurisprudence.

Other achievements he cited include capacity building to work on complex cases and creating working contacts with international law enforcement agencies and bringing out inadequacies in laws and enforcement institutions with a view to strengthening them in future.

And Nkole stated that the Task Force would continue operating within the parameters of its initial mandate.

“All fresh complaints concerning the current government will continue to be referred to the ACC, DEC and Police depending on appropriateness. We can only deal with such cases if our mandate was reviewed,” Nkole stated.

He also expressed optimism that donors would continue with their spirit and commitment in assisting with good governance issues, especially the fight against corruption.

And Nkole also highlighted the need for a new look institution to deal effectively with grand corruption and other crimes including money laundering and terrorism.

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