
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

(HERALD) Educate farmers to improve agric

Educate farmers to improve agric

EDITOR — Through your widely-read newspaper, I would like to thank ZFC Limited for training farmers. It is the technical know-how most farmers lack. I think the training should incorporate farm visits, therefore, Government should consider providing such people with fuel for effective supervision of the students.

If this is taken at a higher level and well supported, I tell you this will boost the agricultural sector. Currently, most farmers face a critical shortage of experienced staff. This is negatively affecting agriculture. ZFC should identify farmers whom they can educate and offer them backup service then this will improve our agricultural output.

The Government, through RBZ, should also consider introducing a retention scheme for staff in the agricultural sector.

Giving farmers inputs alone cannot boost agriculture but if this is complemented by training, this automatically boosts the production and the economy.

Farmers require correct advice and information so that they can plan and do their business profitably.

Lastly to Mr Henry Muradzikwa of ZBH, may you please repeat the programme on wheat production that was aired on Friday April 25 on Talking Farming, for the benefit of others.

I think the programme gave good advice on how wheat should be planted and it was very educative with correct practical information. Such information is what farmers want and are looking for.

Apart from television, such information should be broadcast on radio, because some farmers don’t have television sets.

The information can be reproduced on soft copies like discs or cassettes for those with access to benefit.

Thank you very much.

E.M.K. Mariga.

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