
Monday, May 12, 2008

(HERALD) ‘Opposition thugs seek to reverse land reform’

‘Opposition thugs seek to reverse land reform’
Sunday Mail Reporter

THE cases of violence being reported around the country are no longer politically-motivated as they now seem to be more about reversing the land reform programme as evidenced by reports that the opposition MDC-T hooligans with the aid of some former Rhodesian forces are unleashing violence only in the resettlement areas, war veterans have charged.

It is understood that the opposition thugs are targeting A1 and A2 areas, not because of frustrations emanating from the ballot box but in a bid to ensure the return of former white farmers on the farms.

The war veterans have said the pattern developing from the pockets of violence show that these are no longer clashes due to political differences but clashes to reverse the land reform programme.

"This is no longer a political matter. It’s not political violence arising from the ballot but from land. It’s a silent war to reverse the land reform programme being masterminded by former Rhodesian forces with the aid of MDC-T thugs. The former white farmers think their hour has come and they can’t wait for an MDC-T government," said one war veteran from Hurungwe.

Another war veteran from Mudzi said the MDC-T hooligans were targeting newly resettled farmers under the A1 and A2 farms adding that war veterans would soon find a way to counter the violence.

"We will not watch as these opposition thugs together with some members of the former Rhodesian forces torment newly resettled farmers. What they are doing can even threaten the run-off because we won’t take this lying down," said the war veteran.

Reports say police in Shamva recently arrested 56 suspected MDC-T hooligans who had allegedly damaged a house belonging to the Zanu-PF district chairman for Ward 29 in Mashonaland Central, Mr Gore Chiyanike.

Inside Mr Chiyanike’s house were 21 bags of maize, eight bags of sunflower, a granary, a wardrobe and a bed that were destroyed by fire.

Also in the same area, a house belonging to Mr Godfrey Sumani of Number 11 Chiyanike Street, Shamva Gold Mine compound, had all its windows shattered while a bicycle, a kitchen unit, an electric fan, a room divider and sofas were burnt following the attack by the suspected MDC youths.

At the same compound, houses belonging to Miss Muusha and Mr Kashangura, a schoolteacher at Shamva Primary School, were destroyed by fire after attacks by the suspected MDC youths.

In addition to the 56 suspects that were arrested, police in Shamva are keen to interview Mrs Chikeya, who was the aspiring MDC-T House of Assembly candidate for Shamva North constituency; Mr Idoh Katumba, the MDC-T chairman for the area; and a Mr Mhene, who is also an MDC-T member.

Police say after causing terror in Shamva, the suspected MDC-T hooligans took their orgy of violence to Chisaka A2 Resettlement Area where they burnt nine houses belonging to Zanu-PF supporters.

Last week, the First Lady, Amai Grace Mugabe, donated blankets worth billions of dollars, clothing and footwear to victims of politically-motivated arson in Villages 1 and 2, Rusununguko Resettlement Scheme, Mayo in Makoni North.

Similar cases of violence against Zanu-PF supporters have been reported in Mudzi, Hurungwe and Matabeleland.

Commenting on these developments, the Secretary for Information and Publicity, Cde George Charamba, said Western ambassadors in the country were also fuelling the violence.

"Yesterday (Friday) Western ambassadors in the country went to the Avenues Clinic to see two MDC-T supporters who were caught up in the violence. They didn’t go to Mayo, not Hurungwe and not Mudzi where not only life and limb were put into jeopardy through the MDC thuggery but also grain which means a season’s harvest was destroyed. This is disgusting selective outrage. It looks like the ambassadors are here to sanctify MDC violence.

"Interesting enough, the geography of the MDC thug violence neatly coincides with areas of resettlement. Are we dealing with political violence or the land question here?" asked Cde Charamba.

It is understood that as the country heads for the presidential run-off, cases of violence will be played up in the international media to give credence to calls that the international community should supervise the poll.

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