
Thursday, May 01, 2008

(HERALD) Stop attempts on my life, Sikhala

Stop attempts on my life, Sikhala

EDITOR — All those who know my political affiliation as an elected opposition Member of the House of Assembly for St Mary’s constituency would rank the chances high that Zanu-PF is after my neck or blood. Alas, this time reality proves them wrong.

Ever since I quit student activism for the mainstream opposition politics, I managed to create not only friends but enemies as well.

Unfortunately, some of my enemies are in the opposition movement’s break-away faction or shall I refer to them as a splinter group.

I mean the other faction of the Movement for Democratic Change led by Professor Arthur Mutambara.

This is highly attributed to the power transfer struggles in St Mary’s.

Threats to my life started just after the conclusion of MDC-T’s primary elections for St Mary’s House of Assembly, where I emerged the sole winner for the constituency.

This was done in a transparent, free and fair as well as democratic manner, as is the norm in our political formation, which was well-received by those whom I contested with.

They all accepted the will of the majority and joined forces with me against Zanu-PF, MDC and other ambitious smaller political formations that had interests in the St Mary’s House of Assembly seat.

The first heap of threats on my life were verbal, or shall I say I misconstrued them as such, emanating from the then sitting House of Assembly member, Job Sikhala.

I made a report on the threats at St Mary’s Police Station Law and Order Section (Harare Central Police Station) just for record keeping.

Otherwise, as a team including my personal security, we dismissed these as baseless, unfounded, hogwash and empty political threats meant to frustrate my campaign.

Election day came and went and the "man" lost! I thought the threats would as well die a natural death.

I was very wrong! It is now exactly three weeks after the March 29 polls which ushered in a new crop of representatives in St Mary’s constituency, the threats have now developed from just being verbal utterances to "actions".

The team hired to "drink my blood" is taking advantage of ongoing operations by the police and army to even come to my house searching for me.

Job Sikhala’s team, which I am told comprises hired thugs, pounced on my home more than twice masquerading as police details looking for me in connection with the recent stayaway organisaed by my party.

These visits occur at odd hours.

Their plot is to collect me at night as if heading for a police station to be interrogated, then "they will make sure that I will never return home".

The crew’s machinations are that the St Mary’s House of Assembly seat must in the shortest period become vacant, through my planned sudden death and their mentor gets another chance to bounce back as the House of Assembly representative for St Mary’s through a by-election.

As Sikhala might be fooled to think that his "scheme" is a secret privileged for a few, let him be warned that the residents of St Mary’s, myself included, are aware of it.

I am not as dull as he likes his not so many "faithfuls" to believe.

Wisdom is not a right but rather a privilege which one nurtures through the passage of time, equally, it’s not guaranteed that one will be wise by the passage of time, this is true to Sikhala who has flashed the gains of the movement into the drain due to his wisdom or shall I refer it otherwise.

I even have a list of some of the rogue elements tasked with the execution of his grand plan of bringing my life on earth to a premature end.

Surely, some elements in the police force and army might be corrupt but this is not true of all of them.

Remember the law is not and will never be corrupt.

If you make any funny attempt on my dear life, you will be brought to book and justice will prevail.

The law, which you are unfortunately failing to pass at Zimbabwe’s biggest and oldest tertiary institution, the University of Zimbabwe, will take its course.

My advice to you still remains the same. Come back to MDC-T; apologise to our leader Morgan Tsvangirai and the party as a whole. Maybe you might be considered in future local government elections.

Marvellous Kumalo.
MDC MP-elect.
St Mary’s Constituency,

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