
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

(HERALD) Tsvangirai a disaster unto himself

Tsvangirai a disaster unto himself

EDITOR — Tsvangirai is at it again, threatening a boycott of an election he has no choice but contest, Oh yes, we have heard this before. Pug-face globetrotting, begging for more cash to oil his stooge grouping, feasting on free lunches and dinners, humouring the neighbour while his own supporters wonder what his plan is, or if at all he has one? Is he in? Is he out?

In his wisdom or lack of it, Tsvangirai has driven a very public wedge between Sadc and his MDC-T. No sane aspiring leader goes to the media to rubbish the sitting president of a neighbouring country and cast aspersions on his personality and judgment like what Tsvangirai did with President Mbeki.

A serious politician will know that there are channels for such sentiments.

This man is a disaster even unto himself, Zimbabweans should not make the mistake of turning him into a national disaster.

Tinei Zata.
Warren Park.

1 comment:

  1. Well it is very unfortunate that we stil have some Zimbabweans who reason so low like Tinei of Warren Park its probably not your choice to reasoning in the way you do .Given a choice , would you rather go to an election with the fulll knowledge that you are being cheated or would you rather not compete at all ? Its a known fact that MUGABE is an ilegitimate leader and the only reason he will not leave office is because of his generals who have denied MORGAN HIS RIGHTFULL TIME TO RULE THE COUNTRY FOR THE BETTER SO STOP CRITICISING HIM . HE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS STOOD STEADIFAST IN THIS FIGHT WE ARE IN . IF YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO BE DOING PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR STUPID CONTRIBUTIONS .
