
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

(HERALD) United States’ double standards nauseating

United States’ double standards nauseating

EDITOR — It is saddening to note that the US is not relenting in causing chaos and anarchy in the world while at the same time pretending to be advancing human rights and the rule of law, which it does not practise. On May 10, 2008 about 300 mainly African-Americans were arrested for demonstrating against the acquittal of three white police officers who had shot down a black man in cold blood.

This wanton killing of blacks is rampant in the US and UK with the complicity of the respective governments doing nothing about it but these two racist states would want the world to believe that they care about all corners of the earth yet they can’t protect their own citizens.

What sheer hypocrisy?

Clear testimony of the US’ violent nature is epitomised by the fact that all major conflicts in the world have a US presence. In the DRC, the US arms militias to fight the government daily but there is no media blitz there because of mining concessions that were given to the US and Belgium. Because the US has access to diamonds it will turn a blind eye showing that the real issue for US and the West are diamonds.

The US is arming Ethiopia to fight Somalia, in Iraq the war was started by the US as well as in Afghanistan, under the pretext of fighting Islamic extremism.

In Palestine and Israel the US is shoring up the war despite saying it wants Bush to end the Arab/Israeli conflict before he leaves office in seven months’ time.

This shows the US insincerity because how can Bush want to solve in seven months what he could not deal with in nine years?

In Lebanon’s war you can also see the US hand in that the US chose who should lead the Lebanese. The Lebanese are sovereign people who should choose their own leadership without the West’s interference.

In Sudan the US is arming rebels because it feels the oil in Sudan is benefiting the Chinese. It is all about resources.

The defining moment in the US culture of violence was when they chased the original inhabitants of America deep into the forests.

The Amerindians of Arawaki descent have no say in their own country. They are sidelined into oblivion.

The racist US’s disregard has a long history from the time of Christopher Columbus, who said he discovered America yet there were Arawaki-Indians living there already. Sickening superiority complex. But God is for the weak because despite the US military night it has not won any conventional war.

The US was battered in Vietnam, repelled in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, is losing in Iraq and Afghanistan and is terribly battered in Somalia.

Whatever perceived supremacy the US may have, does not prevail in unjust wars.

Viktor Mukanya.

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