
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

(HERALD) We are not violent, says war vets leader Sibanda

We are not violent, says war vets leader Sibanda
Herald Reporter

ZIMBABWE National Liberation War Veterans’ Association chairman Cde Jabulani Sibanda has dismissed reports that his members were leading a terror campaign against Zimbabweans, saying war veterans were instead victims of the post-March 29 election violence. In an interview in Harare yesterday, Cde Sibanda said ZNLWVA members were well aware that violence or any statement that incites violence was counter-productive in an election.

"War veterans are not a violent people and it is very clear that our responsibility as an association is to educate the masses so that they will not be gullible to the opposition’s propaganda and hunger caused by sanctions and their violent activities," he said.

Cde Sibanda said ZNLWVA members were not responsible for the violence but "were victims — psychologically and physically — of MDC violence promoted and sustained by American Ambassador to Zimbabwe James McGee, their commander."

"If you had a chance to see the MDC-T working document which puts it clearly that they want to eliminate, ideologically and physically, their opponents, surely you will then see who is responsible for the violence," he said.

Cde Sibanda urged all voters to go and vote for the Zanu-PF presidential candidate, President Mugabe, in the run-off set for June 27.

"Now each vote should be cast for Zanu-PF, for President Mugabe. He is the only representative of a sovereign Zimbabwe, a free people and, above all, to further the aims of our revolution and freedom for the people.

"Voting for President Mugabe will ensure the development of our health infrastructure, development of roads, education system and assurance of our food security," he said.

Cde Sibanda called for unity of purpose ahead of the presidential run-off.

"We need unity in the party among our membership, but the unity should be symbolised by the participation of each member on the ground," he said.

Cde Sibanda pledged his association’s support for President Mugabe in the run-off and said they would use all their resources to ensure victory for the Zanu-PF candidate.

"War veterans are a serious people, serious to defend the revolution, sovereignty and independence," he said, urging the people to go out and campaign with any resources they have in their possession.

"In a campaign, people are not posed to move forward by resources but on the country’s interests.

"Revolutionaries must realise that people are an enough and complete resource to move forward with the revolution. Any other material resource becomes an enabling factor."

Cde Sibanda expressed confidence that President Mugabe would turn around the tide against MDC-T presidential candidate Morgan Tsvangirai in the run-off.

"We are moving towards victory and looking forward for every Zimbabwean not only to pledge their votes but to cast them for the Zanu-PF candidate, President Mugabe, a revolutionary leader, visionary and person of impeccable integrity.

"President Mugabe is a man who stands not only for the sovereignty of Zimbabwe but of other peoples all over the world," he said.

Cde Sibanda said Zimbabweans should approach the presidential run-off with the knowledge that behind the secret ballot and vote is the blood of a freedom fighter.

"Voters should know that there are people who served time in prison for them to be able to vote and lives were sacrificed.

"People should know that it also means each vote is no longer secret, but a responsibility put in the hands of each Zimbabwean by pain and death so that we can preserve our being as blacks in our black Africa."

Officially launching the party’s campaign in Harare on Sunday, President Mugabe said the nation had seen for itself that reactionary elements were waiting in the wings to reverse the gains of independence and halt the empowerment of citizens.

He said this was evidenced by the manner in which white former farmers had threatened resettled black farmers when they thought the MDC-T had won the elections.

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