
Thursday, May 01, 2008

(HERALD) Winter wheat preps advanced

Winter wheat preps advanced
Herald Reporters

PREPARATIONS for this year’s winter wheat programme are at an advanced stage with some farmers carrying out final land preparation while others are calling for Zesa to ensure uninterrupted power supplies or to provide a load-shedding schedule to avoid interruption of irrigation cycles.

Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union vice-president Cde Edward Raradza said Government had boosted the preparations by providing fuel while seed has been readily available for farmers this season.

"Farmers are more than ready to increase this year’s winter wheat hectarage, but the problem is the shortage of compound D. One cannot plant wheat without it because it cannot be applied at a later stage.

"We are quite happy that Zesa has improved power supplies. We hope the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe can start distributing the generators acquired by Government because wheat farmers need constant power supplies," he said.

Cde Raradza added that the prevailing weather conditions were favourable for wheat hence farmers should capitalise on this by increasing their hectarage.

Government has this year targeted 70 000 hectares of wheat, which will be put under irrigation during the winter planting season.

Meanwhile, the Department of Agricultural and Extension Services has intensified efforts to assist farmers to achieve maximum wheat production this winter season.

The department is currently engaged in consultative meetings with wheat farmers and other agriculture stakeholders in various parts of the country to ensure the province realises the objective of optimum wheat production this season.

Most farmers in Mashonaland West have started collecting diesel and inputs from various depots.

Farmers interviewed expressed uncertainty over availability of electricity needed to water the crop.

"We are raring to go, but there is a lot of uncertainty on whether Zesa would be able to provide uninterupted power for irrigation this winter or at least give us a schedule so that we do not interrupt our cycles," said a farmer from Mhangura.

Last year’s crop was adversely affected by intermittent power cuts while late availability of some inputs was also blamed for the decline in output.

Agritex in Mashonaland West province said land preparations have begun in earnest with at least 105 hectares having been prepared by last week while more farmers are expected to have completed preparations ahead of the May 15 planting deadline. At least 90ha of the prepared land had been planted.

The province has set a target of at least 21 500ha this year while farmers have registered their intention to put 21 725ha under wheat.

Zvimba District is expected to put about 9 000ha under winter wheat this season followed by Makonde with 8 000, Chegutu 3 500, Hurungwe 1 000ha and Kadoma 587.

Agritex has urged farmers use fertilizers efficiently and avoid buying chemicals from street vendors as they risked losing their hard-earned money.

Farmers have also been called upon to apply fertilizers in recommended amounts as application of excess fertilizer leads to diminishing returns and consequently unnecessary loss.

"Farmers have started collecting bulk diesel from the various designated points and we are helping them whenever they face problems so that they do not miss their planting deadline," said an Agritex officer.

The shortage of diesel and inputs from the various collection centres and the non-availability of some in puts on the open market were also hampering progress.

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