
Sunday, May 04, 2008

KK lauds liberation struggle trade union leaders

KK lauds liberation struggle trade union leaders
By Mutuna Chanda
Sunday May 04, 2008 [04:00]

DR Kenneth Kaunda has said the leaders of the trade union movement during the liberation struggle were selfless and towering pioneers worth emulating. In an acceptance speech on Thursday evening after receiving the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Solidarity Award in recognition of his contribution to the development and strengthening of the labour movement in Zambia, Dr Kaunda said the union leaders during the liberation struggle stood up against injustice.

“They stood up against racial discrimination…they courageously fought for the rights of the workers and the dignity of the human being,” Dr Kaunda said.

“Tonight marks a special occasion in the history of the labour movement in our country and the people who provided leadership at that critical time. For how can we forget those fallen heroes like comrades Lawrence Katilungu, Matthew Nkoloma, Wilson Chakulya, Basil Kabwe, N. Tembo to name but a few.”

Dr Kaunda said the trade unions today had an important responsibility to ensure that workplace policies covered issues that related to the welfare of workers.

“In the age of HIV and AIDS our unions should ensure that the employers commit themselves to developing and implementing workplace HIV and AIDS policies to cover employees and their families,” Dr Kaunda said. “I wish in this regard to appeal to the employers in the private and public sectors to develop workplace HIV and AIDS policies.”

And labour minister Ronald Mukuma said the government was finding it difficult to pull in one direction with labour unions given their fragmentation.

“The introduction of Freedom of Association has led to the proliferation of unions which from experience has weakened the labour movement.

For increased productivity, there is need for one union. In unity lies power,” Mukuma said. “Government’s position is not to force any merger or deregistration of unions but we are just appealing for unity if unions are not strong, do something about it.”

He commended the role Dr Kaunda played in economically empowering Zambians and strengthening the trade union movement.

He urged the current labour unions to change their approach in the current economic struggle that Zambia was involved in.

He said unions could no longer use the same approach that was used in the country’s political liberation in its economic struggle.

And ZCTU president Leonard Hikaumba said his union would not have been what it is today had it not been for the leadership of Dr Kaunda.

He said it was only in the first and second Republics when the law was tilted towards workers.

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