
Monday, May 12, 2008

Party expulsions threaten growth of democracy, says Bishop Lungu

Party expulsions threaten growth of democracy, says Bishop Lungu
By Lambwe Kachali
Monday May 12, 2008 [04:00]

Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) president Bishop George Lungu has said expulsions of members by some political parties are posing a threat to the growth of Zambia's democracy and freedom of expression. And Bishop Lungu has advised political parties to always thrive at resolving internal political differences through dialogue.

Commenting on recent expulsions of members from some political parties such as the ruling MMD and opposition Patriotic Front (PF), Bishop Lungu said it was important for people to understand that in every democratic nation there were conflicts of opinion. He said although he understood that in every organisation there were rules and regulations that members were obliged to follow, the leadership should always focus on finding solutions through dialogue whenever members erred or when misunderstandings arose.
“I am speaking as a clergy and a citizen of this country; I don't think we are taking our young democracy forward by expelling members of our various organisations.

You know to expel someone is an extreme action and it is an infringement on the freedom of expression. Political parties and many other organisations should ensure that peace is promoted through dialogue if their goals and visions are to be achieved well,” Bishop Lungu said. “It is very important to respect people's opinions even if you do not agree with them. That is what democracy is all about. And sometimes we have situations where the truth is being told and because in one way or another it has an effect on you, you would want to take disciplinary action against the other.

If indeed that person has committed an offence, there should be thorough investigations to establish the case. Let us learn to accept opposing views as a means of promoting our democracy and peace.”
In March this year, PF expelled its Matero member of parliament Faustina Sinyangwe for calling her party president Michael Sata a thug while five other members of parliament were expelled for allegedly withdrawing their monthly contributions from the party.

And last Tuesday, MMD expelled its NEC trustee Christine Moonga for saying that President Levy Mwanawasa was practicing tribalism openly by failing to discipline his nephew Jonas Shakafuswa who is also finance deputy minister. She said Shakafuswa was fond of insulting other members and other people as well as disobeying party regulations.

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