
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

PAZ calls for endto exports of strategic crops

PAZ calls for endto exports of strategic crops
By Fridah Zinyama
Tuesday May 13, 2008 [03:00]

THE Poultry Association of Zambia (PAZ) is appealing to government to help stop the export of strategic crops like maize and soya beans. In an interview, PAZ executive secretary Mathew Ngosa said that other than maize, the government should also consider stopping exports of other critical crops like soya beans.

“On the other hand, crops like soya beans which are equally important especially in making feedstock are allowed to be exported without regulation,” he said.

“The situation if left unchecked will severely affect production as feedstock will become expensive for most farmers. Soya bean has been scarce on the market and its price has more than trebled over the past few months.”

Ngosa said soya price would not stabilise until the new crop reached the market.

“However, there are indications that even the new crop will not help stabilise the high prices as production was affected by the floods,” he said.

He said measures should be put in place to ensure that local demand was met before any of the strategic crops like soya beans are exported.

Ngosa also said the load shedding that the country was experiencing had adversely affected production because most producers could not afford fuels.

“This has led to an increase in production costs which will end up being passed on to the consumers.”

Ngosa advised the general public to brace themselves for increased food prices in the light of all the problems that the sector was experiencing.

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