
Friday, May 30, 2008

Police chief urges cops to redeem Zim

Police chief urges cops to redeem Zim
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Friday May 30, 2008 [04:00]

THE police force should redeem the country as it faces challenges and machinations from external forces that have threatened its existence and survival, Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri has advised. And Chihuri has appealed to the police to ensure that the June 27 presidential run-off is conducted in a peaceful and tranquil environment. Addressing senior police officers on Wednesday, Chihuri said he .was delighted that most of the present senior officers were eyewitnesses to the birth pangs of the country.

"Zimbabwe is a product of blood, selfless sacrifice, tears and sweat. This occasion comes barely four weeks before the presidential runoff election. It is imperatively incumbent upon the police to ensure that the entire runoff election process is conducted in a peaceful and tranquil environment," he said.

Chihuri advised the officers to be a vivid representation of a true, loyal and dedicated Zimbabwean cadre with the right orientation.
"The nation is presently facing a myriad of challenges and machinations by external forces and their internal sympathisers and its very existence and survival is threatened by puppets," Chihuri said. "The Bible tells us to be able to redeem the time such as this. You therefore need to be sober, diligent and perform your duties without doubting. This will enable you to have a sound mind, always bold and avoiding being tossed about by any wave of wind. You should know who you are as a people and do not allow anyone to define what you are."

Chihuri urged the officers not to allow themselves to be deceived by perpetrators of heresy and outright lies.

"As senior officers, let no one hold you captive through hollow, deceptive, wild and criminal hare brained fleeting illusory promises that are calculated to devour the country, its people and resources," Chihuri said. "The Constitution of Zimbabwe states that there shall be a police force for ensuring that there is law and order in the country.

You therefore have a divine responsibility to ensure that the sovereignty of the country is vehemently and robustly protected from these daring thieves and criminals under whatever political hue."

Chihuri reminded the officers of the nation's colonial past.
"Our country and continent had borne witness to this. In 1889, Cecil Rhodes approached British aristocrats in London and organised a band of mercenaries under the banner of the British South African Company (BSAC).

This was in pursuit of a policy propagated by one of his countrymen, John Ruskin who strongly advised that England look for colonies abroad lest they perish through poverty," Chihuri explained. "Rhodes and his band of avaricious mercenaries ravaged and looted our Eden under the guise that it was his God-given right to do so. He boasted that the English speaking race represented the finest specimen of humanity and that brute force on black people was a desirable and civilising factor."

Chihuri urged the senior police officers to try at all cost and with all available means to avoid a replay of what he termed as 'historical robbery'.

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