
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prof Mapopa Mtonga dies

Prof Mapopa Mtonga dies
By Noel Sichalwe
Tuesday May 27, 2008 [04:00]

ZAMBIAN Open University lecturer Professor Mapopa Mtonga has died. Family spokesperson Gabriel Zimba yesterday said Prof Mtonga died at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) on Sunday after a short illness. “The late Professor Mtonga was a renowned professor of Media, Performing and Fine Arts. Professor Mtonga has left an extremely big gap in our family and will sadly be missed by the entire family, friends and professional associates. Being a God-fearing man, we believe as a family that he will be given the right place by our Almighty God.

Burial is expected to be at his home village in Lundazi within the week,” he said.
According to Zimba, Prof Mtonga was born in 1945 at Chingala village in chief Mwase’s area of Lundazi.

He began his studies at the University of Zambia in 1968 and after graduation went to Ghana for his MA studies before embarking on his Phd studies in the Republic of Ireland. Prof Mtonga returned to Zambia to teach at the University of Zambia (UNZA) and later became a professor in his specialist field.

Zimba said in recent years, Prof Mtonga developed close, valuable educational and cultural co-operation with various educational institutions in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, West Africa, the Republic of Finland, United Kingdom and other countries.

He said Prof Mtonga had published his works extensively complimented by video and film.

At the time of his death, the late professor had left UNZA and joined the Zambian Open University as Dean of the new School of Media, Performing and Fine Arts.

Funeral gathering is at house number 5753, Lunsefwa Road in Kalundu, opposite Mulungushi Village.
Prof Mtonga is survived by a wife, eight children and five grandchil

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