
Saturday, May 31, 2008

'There's nothing laughable about Muluzi's arrest'

'There's nothing laughable about Muluzi's arrest'
By Maluba Jere
Saturday May 31, 2008 [04:00]

MALAWIAN information minister Patricia Kaliati has said that country's former president Bakili Muluzi's comment over his arrest is rubbish. Commenting on Muluzi's recent statement that his arrest on allegations that he connived with security chiefs to overthrow President Bingu Wa Mutharika early this month was rubbish and alaughable matter, Kaliati said there was nothing political and laughable about his arrest.

"He was president for 10 years and during that time people were arrested. What was political about those arrests? Now because he is arrested it becomes political," she said.
Kaliati said during his 10-year rule, Muluzi had an opportunity to address problems faced by Malawians but he failed.

"During his 10-year rule the MCP Malawi Congress Party gave him time but he failed. He should know that he's not the only person who went to school," she said.

"So why should he think he's the only one who can rule Malawi? And so, him saying that his arrest is a laughable matter is rubbish."

Kaliati advised Muluzi to learn from other retired presidents such as South Africa's Nelson Mandela, and not cling to power.

Asked to comment on Muluzi's claims that he was arrested because President Wa Mutharika was scared of meeting him in the next elections, Kaliati said there was no need for the President to be afraid of Muluzi because he was not a contender as far as the Malawian Constitution was concerned.

"Why should he even talk about standing? He had his own 10 years to improve the lives of the people," she said.

"We are not scared of him. He failed to address the real issues affecting the people and so he should just let Dr Wa Mutharika rule. We don't want lifelong presidents. He ruled for 10 years and that's it."

But when asked why a warrant was not issued at the time of Muluzi's arrest, Kaliati asked: "Was he not coming from abroad? So what warrant is he talking about?"

Muluzi, upon arrival from the UK last Sunday, was placed under house arrest on allegations that he connived with security chiefs to overthrow President Wa Mutharika early this month.

Malawian Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Ernest Malenga said state security was investigating Muluzi on the alleged coup plot but he was yet to be formally charged.

But Muluzi last Wednesday described his arrest as rubbish and a laughable matter.
He denied having plotted a coup to overthrow President Wa Mutharika, whom he described as a scared man.

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