
Monday, May 26, 2008

Tsvangirai vows to defeat Mugabe

Tsvangirai vows to defeat Mugabe
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Monday May 26, 2008 [04:00]

OPPOSITION MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has vowed to defeat President Robert Mugabe in the June 27 presidential runoff. And Tsvangirai dismissed possibilities of forming a government of national unity (GNU) between the ruling ZANU-PF and his MDC. Meanwhile, Tsvangirai said he has been discussing with SADC chairperson President Mwanawasa concerning election monitors and peacekeepers for the presidential runoff.

Addressing journalists at Harare's Meikels Hotel yesterday, Tsvangirai condemned and accused the ZANU-PF of perpetrating the political violence taking place in the country.

"With the support of SADC and other multinational institutions to send observers, we may restore the people of Zimbabwe's confidence in the electoral process. I want to say this, if violence pays then Matebeleland should be the bedrock of ZANU-PF," Tsvangirai said referring to the Matebeleland massacres of the early 1980s. "In fact, it's (violence) the most disastrous policy and strategy which they have ever implemented to beat every Zimbabwean and hope to get support. I can only say that they have beaten themselves into serious rejection by the people of Zimbabwe."

Tsvangirai said the victims of violence perpetrated by ZANU-PF have vowed to get rid of President Mugabe on June 27.
"I was in hospitals, people with scars and wounds all saying, 'president we will finish him off so don't let us down'. So on that score, I am inspired by this determination. If Mugabe thinks that he has beaten people into submission, then he will have a rude shock on June 27," Tsvangirai said.

He said he had been discussing with President Mwanawasa on monitors and peacekeepers for the presidential runoff.
"I’m hoping that on Tuesday when they meet, they will be able to concretise. But I told them that by June 1, 2008 they should put these people on the ground," Tsvangirai said. "What we want is the de-militarisation and dismantling of bases in rural areas and then let's have a free and fair election."

He expressed confidence that President Mugabe would be defeated on June 27.
"I can tell you that just like the sun rises from the east and sets out from the west, Mugabe will not get the support in the second round. If you have been beaten in the first round at your own home ground, how do you hope to go on a return match and still hope to win?" Tsvangirai asked.

He urged Zimbabweans to be ready for the runoff because MDC was prepared to take on President Mugabe. He dismissed assertions about the formation of a GNU.

"There is so much speculation. There is no GNU on the table. I don't know how that will be constituted... Zimbabweans voted and produced a result. You can't have a GNU when Zimbabweans voted on March 29. We want to incorporate everyone. So there should be no basis why other people should be afraid with retribution from MDC," Tsvangirai said.
Asked about the alleged plot to assassinate him, Tsvangirai answered: "As far as the assassination and the risk is concerned, it has been resolved. We have resolved the issue of risks. There are assurances and there are measures taking place in removing the risk. But we will be cautious. We will take measures as humanly possible."
Tsvangirai appealed to the government to guarantee security and safety of its citizens instead of becoming the abuser of its own people. He maintained that the conditions for the presidential runoff where not conducive.
And US Ambassador to Zimbabwe, James McGee, on Saturday led several western diplomats in welcoming Tsvangirai at Harare International Airport. Tsvangirai had been out of Zimbabwe just after the March 29 elections.
Ambassador McGee and a group of western diplomats arrived 20 minutes before the plane carrying Tsvangirai touched down.
Tsvangirai, who was just alone and without any bag, was whisked away by his security personnel upon finishing his immigration formalities.

"It's good to be back," Tsvangirai told journalists whilst heading to his official car.

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