
Thursday, May 29, 2008

World Bank endorses 4-year CAS programme

World Bank endorses 4-year CAS programme
By Kabanda Chulu
Thursday May 29, 2008 [04:00]

THE World Bank’s Board of Directors has endorsed a four-year Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) programme that will enable Zambia to receive between US $80 million and US $100 million annually. The World Bank has also approved a 40-year US $33 million International Development Assistance (IDA) projects that will result in increased access to electricity services and improve efficiency and quality of electricity distribution system in targeted areas.

According to World Bank country manager for Zambia, Dr Kapil Kapoor, the new CAS would position the bank to support the government’s objective to further accelerate growth by improving competitiveness and to ensure that more local people participate in the economic growth process.

“The Board of Executive Directors has endorsed Zambia’s Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for the period 2008-2011 and this CAS is consistent with the framework agreed with the cooperating partners under the Joint Assistance Strategy of Zambia (JASZ) and this CAS is premised on the assumption that the Bank will provide between US $80 to US $100 million annually to Zambia,” Dr Kapoor stated.

He stated that the CAS was aligned with the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and was designed to help the government achieve its objectives.

“It proposes a selective and strategic programme of interventions aimed at supporting better management of government's fiscal resources and investments in infrastructure in order to improve integration and connectivity,” Dr Kapoor stated.

And Dr Kapoor stated that the objective of the Increased Access to Electricity Services Project of Zambia was to increase access to electricity services and improve the efficiency and quality of the electricity distribution system in targeted areas.

“The project has three components, firstly, to improve Zesco’s efficiency including reinforcement of existing distribution networks, intensification within existing grids in peri-urban areas, and energy efficiency and demand side management,” stated Dr Kapoor.

“Secondly, the project will enhance access expansion including grid extension to rural areas, isolated grids such as mini-hydro, and solar technology for schools, clinics, commercial establishments, and lastly to enhance household market and provision of technical assistance for both Zesco and the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) and the total project will be US $ 33 million for 40 years.”

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