
Saturday, June 28, 2008

ACC retires Banda

ACC retires Banda
By By Amos Malupenga
Saturday June 28, 2008 [04:01]

Nixon Banda has been retired as Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) director general, ACC commissioner Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika (Aka) confirmed yesterday. Aka said Banda’s retirement arose from the fact that he had reached the retirement age of 65. He said according to the ACC Act, the director general is not supposed to be more than 65 years.

“The law is categorical and it has to be followed,” Aka said. “Following this development, the ACC deputy director has been asked to act purely for administrative purposes.”

Asked to comment on rumours or speculation that President Levy Mwanawasa refused to extend Banda’s contract on the pretext that he Banda was targeting the President’s relatives or associates for prosecution, Aka said:

“That is not true. The law is very categorical and nobody should start fishing for other reasons.

If the President had signed that, then he could have gone against the law. This law is very clear. Maybe I should give you a copy of the ACC Act for you to understand this. That clause in the Act speaks for itself; it is sufficient and there should be no other reason. ”
When reached for comment, Banda said he had no comment to make on the matter.

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