
Sunday, June 15, 2008

(AFRIDAD) How Zambia’s Water Was Sold & Hijacked By International Water Pirates

How Zambia’s Water Was Sold & Hijacked By International Water Pirates

First, I want to make this clear. They are not Water Lords. Had it been so, they would be making Water for the earth, and not stealing Water and hijacking the people’s rights to Water. These are not the Water Lords. These are ruthless pirates also called “ businessmen”. Now let’s get started.

While Chiluba was being celebrated as Kaunda’ successor in 1991. The World Bank, IMF, and the international community were celebrating as well. You see, they had a problem, KK. And it was time to do away with the protective leader and put in an armature that would forever go down in history for destroying the Zambian people’s lives and the country’s resources.

The World Bank’s Global Water theory reform through: “The Water Resources Action Program (WRAP) and the ministry of Energy and Water Development, supported by the Water Sanitation Program (WSP), and by NORAD, GTZ, and Ireland Aid, and through Chiluba’s administration by using the IMF and World Bank’ Structural Adjustments Programs (SAP) sold Zambia’s Waters away in 1991.

Zambia had 4 pirate bidders at that time. SUEZ a French corporate, Vivendi/Veolia and SAUR also French and Seven Trent Water, a British corporate. There were no votes taken to ask the Zambian people if the water should be privatised. There were very few ministers involved, yes in case we have bad memories let us even see it does not happen again. Following year, sitted at the Water negotiation tables were the minister of Energy and Water Development EDITH NAWAKWI. (CORRECT ME) This lady sold our Water away for 25 to 35 years period of time to the Water hijackers, when Water is as air, it shouldn’t be sold for it is NOT a commodity. And why should Nawakwi say she is better than anyone to rule the country? It gets better, the minister of finance and national planning EMMANUEL G. KASONDE, the minister of commerce and industry the late RONALD D.S. PENZA were present. LEVY MWANAWASA was the vice president at that time will someone confirm if our president was sitting at these tables? These few ministers managed to sell Zambia’s Waters away to foreign investors. They excuse themselves today by saying they were being threatened by the international community who wanted the government to privatise everything including Zambia’s Water systems in order to pay off the “loans”. We have seen the results of these acts, women and children travelling long distances for water, and dysentery, cholera and pathogenic diseases blamed on “HIV/AIDS”, putting people on the wrong drugs and sending them to early graves. These are avoidable deaths.

In other words the 1991 new Zambian government was in agreement with the international community by saying: “the poor are not profitable let us kill them”. Through privatising their lives, their water. And in an age were scholars and businessmen are possessed to kill 80% of the world population, the whole water privatisation program makes sense. The depopulation program aims at 2 to 3 generations, then there shall remain only the 20% needed. Yet does anyone think the people advocating for the depopulation programs can save their grand children? I do not think so. Anyway back to Zambia’s Water.

The World Bank’s Global Water thieves managed to purchase Zambia’s public water for very little money. I am told I must not know about the costs. It is told today that SUEZ and Vivendi some of the firms that own Zambia’s Water, are the largest water pirates, harvest around 4 trillion US Dollars per year and are ranked 91st 118th among the fortune’s global 500 list. They sit in 150 countries around the world.

Mid February 2006, in the Eastern province of Zambia the local radio announced that the Germany lady working for the Chipata Water and Sewerages Company said, she will put up pipe taps in two new areas of the town. I was shocked to hear this, because there are hundreds of taps in the old areas of the town with no Water. Most people’s houses in the Eastern province have had their Water taps closed. Thus, anyone can see that this is another manipulative way to have people put up taps and have their water closed within a few days. Most of these people use neighbours wells or far away boreholes to draw water. The people in these areas have no jobs and neither are they sustained by the Zambian government, they are self-reliant, their lives have been rejected, why would anyone add more suffering by setting up taps knowing they won’t be able to pay? The very act has destroyed most of the people’s lives in this place. Why continue?

The German woman also knows that many people can’t afford her high Water bill projects. Bills that haunt the people monthly, and there are hundreds of families who own the Chipata Water and Sewerage large amounts of money, amounts that could never be paid off, no matter what Water and Sewerage may do. Some owe over 700 US Dollars. Why all these exorbitant bills? I was told that every night and day was a nightmare for most people, especially those that had running Water. Neighbours become jealous that they must travel 100 kilometres to fetch Water when a neighbour or two have running Water from their pipes and cannot fetch Water from there. Thus, neighbours come in the night to destroy taps with running Water. When I visited some of the people’s homes there was Water running all over the place because the water pipes had been damaged beyond repair, the result Water and Sewerage come to close the Water for the neighbour as well. Foreign investors are planting secretive hate among a once peaceful and loving people in this town.

The people need not pay for these bills and they must look away from these bills. They have no income, L how are they going to pay? Hundreds of people are experiencing this strange behaviour even in Lusaka. The neighbours want to share their water but they can’t because they will be charged more by the Water Company at the end of the month. What’s left is; let us all be the same, the result is the Water and Sewerage must close the water for families. It is of no wonder infants are harvested more in death than any age in these hidden projects. Infants die from dysentery and dehydration. Sometimes people that have wells and boreholes are told to pay for the Water or cover the wells up. In most cases these acts are done in a more humanitarian way, instead of saying close up your wells, people are told that new Water pipes are going to be put for the people. To make them pay for Water instead of getting it for free.

In many places in Zambia especially at the market place, Water costs from 1-3US Dollars 3 litres. People pay exorbitant amounts of money just to buy their daily buckets of “treated water”. Is this water treated? Ironically the World Bank officials praise their foreign investors that they treat the Water, when the water is dirty when it comes out from the pipes. The pipes are so old and dirty that World Bank and IMF officials including Vivendi, SUEZ, and RWE AG the German Water giant who seem to own the Chipata Water today, can’t see what the real problem is. And even if the did, they would only start something without ever finishing it because it seems all they care for is to depopulate the world’s society to 20%.

Thus, they blindly turn to bottle water. Yet if several people took time and made an experiment; but five bottled Water, fill the other 3 with tap Water from different houses, and the other two from boreholes. Take turn in testing the Waters. The test buds make a good lab too. You see when you close something inside a container, you rob it of all life (air) thus bottled Water will likely test of nothing, and it is dead Water. While tap Water’s chlorine and soda can be tested and it smells, disgusting. The borehole Water has a very different test, there is life in the Water, even when you drink it down, it is pleasing, and gives a clear sense of freshness.

Why doesn’t bottled Water test the same? In India, Europe and the USA, most of these companies have been taken to court for reusing bottles and often using tap Water for sell. Bottled Water is not health as people think; in fact tap Water is healthier and people should stop adding more chlorine in Water when it has already been done at the Water and Sewerage Company. It is dangerous to drink Chlorine it makes people barren and kills the sperm, of course no one will tell us about this. 80% should die. Yet remember there is about 6 to 7% Africans on the planet. Over 60% are Asians, over 25% are Europeans, and then we have the Aboriginals and the other few.

Back to Water. Some of Zambia’s bottled water are called, Manzi, Amenshi, Aqua, Aqua- something… Which I’ am certain are owned by Vivendi, SUEZ, RWE AG, Nestle and Coca-cola. (Please correct me) Monsanto owns Water too and with its chemical background one may wonder what is in the world’s Water, with the 80% that must die, the thought gives creeps.

The politics of going to tables with Water pirates must be sent back to school for more examination and understanding, so world leaders will stand firm and defend what is right for the people, in a world that kills people for profit. Governments and the multi-stakeholders partnership for water and sanitation must come to an end. Initial partners of the EU Water For Life Initiative (European union 2002) and the European Commission member states of the EU, governments of the NIS countries together with African governments are as follows: SUEZ, VIVENDI, WWF, WATER AID, Tearfund, Global Water Partnership, OECD, Global Native Fund, Public Services International, RAMSAR, International Secretariat for Water, Protos Water Powers People, UN-ECE, International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO), NORTHHUMBRIAN Water and many others.

The right to water has been hijacked from Chicago to Soweto and not much is being done about it because governments keep secret of what belongs to the people. For how long because no matter how they hide truth, truth has its own way of revealing itself. One of my friends says this about truth: ‘Truth does not travel like a lie. A lie travels at a super sonic speed and always gets there first, but truth is slow it travels at its own pace and when it gets there, there remains nothing but truth alone.’

Rights reserved. 2006. By Hannilie Zulu

2003-05. You are free to use this article, or part of it, if you give credit to AfriDAD.

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