
Monday, June 23, 2008

Correa advises govt over donor dependency

Correa advises govt over donor dependency
By Agness Changala
Monday June 23, 2008 [04:00]

CUBAN Ambassador to Zambia Francisco Correa has said Zambia needs to do more to liberate itself from the dependency on the donor community. And Ambassador Correa has said it is the duty of Che Guevara’s followers to continue putting forward and defending his ideals of freedom and independence. Speaking shortly after the Press Freedom Committee (PFC) of The Post in collaboration with the Committee on Che Guevara organised discussion at Lusaka Playhouse to commemorate Che’s 80th birthday anniversary, Ambassador Correa said it was not a bad idea to depend on donors but it was important that Zambia stood on its own at a certain level to show some independence.

“A lot has to be done in Zambia if the country is to be liberated from donor dependency. You may need assistance in certain areas but not even some government policies,” he said.

Ambassador Correa said Zambia had to put up a strong fight if its abundant resources were to be managed well and to benefit all Zambians.

He urged African countries and Zambia in particular to learn something from Che’s ideals of becoming free, independent and refusing to accept special treatment.

Ambassador Correa said he was amazed with the turn out at the function more especially the youths who were the many targets of Che’s ideals to fighting for equality.

He said Che was a hero to many countries because of the strong and brave fight he put up to liberate the poor and that youths must emulate him to fight for equality in society.

“If we are to be called his followers, our duty is to continue putting forward and defending his ideals and shinning example, which is the most difficult challenge, inspired by him and his exemplary life to serve others and especially to promote his values and principles in the youth, the future leaders of our countries,” he said.

Ambassador Correa said commemorating Che’s birthday was a way of paying tribute to him to continue with the struggle for total freedom and emancipation of people who faced challenges and threats because he was and continued to be the best example and inspiration for poor people in the world.

Ambassador Correa said modest and tribute were paid to him and those who followed his example, like the Cuban Five imprisoned in North American jails for fighting terrorist activities against Cuba whose release was being supported and demanded for.
Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna was born on, June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina.

He studied medicine and graduated as a doctor and was assassinated by the Bolivian army and CIA on October 19, 1967, in La Higuera Bolivia after being captured alive, but wounded.

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